The Badger GmbH Software

itCampus joint solution for innovative risk management in the electricity and gas trade which intensify itCampus Software – und Systemhaus GmbH and the Badger GmbH information & communications technology developed their development partnership in the energy sector with Schwerin software company DACHS. A corresponding agreement was reached just between the Leipzig and the IT companies in Schwerin. “First joint major project: the joint development of innovative portfolio and risk management system E-risk” of Badger GmbH for the electricity and gas trading. The Badger GmbH is specialized on software solutions in the energy sector – in particular on questions of portfolio and risk management. A formula generator is developed in cooperation with itCampus now by mid-September 2008, which is able to meet the increasingly complex requirements of the gas market particularly in the contract.

Also it should be possible through the E-risk formula generator to calculate price scenarios in order to simulate particular fluctuations of oil-bound gas prices and gas suppliers to more planning security to help. The generated price scenarios to can be used in assessing individual and aggregated price formula-bound positions as well as risk management. The two IT companies could convince themselves already 18 months ago in a first joint project by the respective efficiency and innovativeness of the partner company. About Badger GmbH information & communications technology: The Badger GmbH is one of the leading software manufacturers for energy trading systems in Germany. Now seven countries the company founded in 1998, helps its customers with innovative solutions and comprehensive know-how forecast, trading and transport in the fields of electricity and gas the illustration of business processes. About the itCampus Software – und Systemhaus GmbH: The itCampus Software – und Systemhaus GmbH is an innovative software developer with international connections to science and research. in 1999, the company is today founded in Halle and Leipzig, with its own branches in Germany, United Kingdom, Switzerland, Italy, Austria and the Slovakia represented. itCampus offers its customers Europe-wide communications solutions, consulting and individual solutions in the areas of software development and software ergonomics.

Is best known for ELSBETH itCampus especially with his intelligent IT / telecommunications solutions under the brand name. They are used in contact centers and communications-intensive enterprises. itCampus Software – und Systemhaus GmbH Alexander Friebel head press/PR Nagle road 42 04229 Leipzig Tel: + 49. 341. 4 92 87 19 fax: + 49 341. 4 92 87 01 E-Mail: Web: