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Intares Enhanced Managed Services Of Next

Highest availability, quality of service and security Intares has further improved its managed services. Thus offers its customers the Hamburg hosting and IT specialist security and availability at the highest level. Intares designs, operates and optimize individual managed server for databases, communication applications, or Web sites and supports corporate customers of all sizes with premium managed services. The outsourcing of IT services is still in vogue. Under most conditions Mendocino County would agree. As a managed hosting provider is typically able to combine maximum availability, quality of service and reliability with reasonable conditions. The concept of a managed firewall, for example, with the segment separation and individual policy has been part of performance of managed hosting services by Intares.

Ensure the safety and high availability of infrastructure. Lower cost in operation are an essential additional argument for the outsourcing of IT tasks. Comes in medium-sized companies in all sectors Add another aspect: The most narrowly defined financial and human resources for the deployment and operation of a highly available IT infrastructure is the use of a managed service provider does not only make sense he economical rather as the service in-house. The Intares GmbH offers high-availability hosting (> 99.99%). Mostly medium-sized companies among the customers of the Hamburg-based specialists. You get to enjoy of a secure and highly available data center in conjunction with longtime knowledge of the operation of Linux and Windows servers. By outsourcing, these companies gain access to an infrastructure that could barely build and maintain: redundant servers, extensive protection against spam and viruses, automated backups, and many other components provide smooth operation. Intares Managing Director Bernhard Biedermann: managed services are the core of our business, only our services meet highest Claims.” Of course belong also the expert advice and a flexible infrastructure, which is the respective service optimally cut to leave on your specific corporate environment.

Our focus is on quality with the lowest possible cost. “Short: we make sure that our customers to efficiently use their budgets as possible.” About Intares: The Intares GmbH, based in Hamburg, Germany sees itself as a provider of high-quality e-commerce. The company offers special services monitoring, Web Analytics (Web mining) and managed server hosting service professionals since 1999 to performance. The services offered by Intares give objective the sales, marketing and financial executives and detailed data to assess the efficiency of their ecommerce offering on the hand and thus provide the basis for controlling the Internet activity and maximum cost/efficiency in this area. If necessary, Intares develops individual solutions together with its customers and takes over the subsequent control. Customer contact: Intares GmbH Managing Director Bernhard Biedermann Heideweg k 101 20097 Hamburg Tel.: 040/236 138-0 fax: 040 / 236 138-33 E-Mail: Web: press contact: digital media Herbert grave phone: 07127 / 5707-10 E-mail:

Integrated Management Systems

Quality management and safety from a single source integrated management systems such as the QM portal of United planet merge quality management and occupational safety under a single interface. In this way, resources, synergies and increase the competitiveness of the company. Freiburg, April 29, 2009. In many companies, interfaces between individual applications and processes are either not present at all or not optimally solved. Especially for quality-related processes this is often a problem, because they usually access to data from different applications.

The applications are not linked, the data must be worn together each time with enormous effort. For this purpose, integrated management systems, which bring together the divisions quality, environmental and work protection in a unified interface offer the solution. Quality-related applications and data across the enterprise can so linked and be provided electronically. Thus the main processes of quality management mesh perfectly and all departments will be included. The major advantages of such a system are the use of synergies, the pooling of resources and the associated increase in the competitiveness of the company. Also avoids redundancies and overhead is significantly reduced. QM (www.unitedplanet.com/ sqm portal) Portal, the portal specialist United planet offers an integrated management system, bringing together the themes of quality, environmental protection and work safety in a corporate portal and linked to a holistic concept of corporate governance. Finished more than 30 applications of the portal is made across the practice over many years.

Companies that have brought their many years of experience in the fields of quality management, security management, and ISO certifications in the development were involved. The portal is based on the software Intrexx and can therefore very easily to the be adjusted and any extended each company’s individual requirements. The key figure collection measures management to supplier assessment and occupational safety mapped all major topics on the portal. Even the subscription of standards is possible, so they are always ready to hand in the latest form available. With the portal user management, different access rights may be awarded this for each user. The Executive Board defined as business goals and key performance indicators for the various departments. Employees can login directly via the portal to training and instruction in the quality or scope of work protection. All quality management and health and safety documents can be centrally managed with integrated document management. Information must then no longer distributed manually, but can automatically the stored distribution circuits provided are. This helps to avoid errors, to comply with laws and Processes to optimize. In cooperation with the universe publishing, United planet also offers a comprehensive package of occupational safety and health. Among other things an interactive training manager with the annual staff training time and cost be carried electronically belongs to this. Pro staff and training cost to do this just once license of 2 euros in the year. Accounts for the otherwise necessary expenses for individual training, facilities and faculty. All applications of the package (www.unitedplanet.com/ occupational safety and health) can be easily integrated in the QM portal or insert as a stand-alone solution for the legally-compliant implementation of new safety regulations. Thus, a uniform handling of the issues of quality management and occupational safety and health is guaranteed.

The New Expecco Version 1.6.0. From Now Available

(Bonnigheim/Stuttgart, 17th 2009) – eXept Software AG which eXept Software AG, specialized on test automation and quality management software solutions from Bonnigheim in Stuttgart has a new version of the model-based test automation software expecco out put. The new expecco 1.6.0 version offers several improvements in comparison to your predecessor. Specifically, the report generation has experienced some changes. Additional, precise filter as well as the implementation and possibility of designing your own templates provide more clarity and reports individually tailored to the needs of the customers. Get more background information with materials from Teva. In addition, expecco now has additional functionality for test execution. So, for example the time limit of tests or the display of environment variables represent no obstacle any more.

For a comprehensive overview of the new version of expecco, the party now has the opportunity to test the full version without obligation. The developer of version”is available on the eXept homepage, in a 30-day trial version with full functionality available. From the end of March the eXept Software AG offers a more local service. The training certified to the ISTQB is in cooperation with Muth Tester – Foundation level carried out partners in Bonnigheim. The Muth Partner GmbH is in Germany, Switzerland and Austria for this training ISTQB accredited. The seminar structure depends on the official curriculum of the ISTQB . “At the end of the seminar it is possible the exam for the certified Tester Foundation level” to drop. Over the course of 3 days you deal with the fundamental questions of the testing, the psychology of test processes, the various stages of testing, static test equipment, test management, test case design technique and other exciting topics to test automation. The seminar is aimed at employees who have gained initial experience with IT projects and have basic knowledge in software development. The training will be to ensure optimum learning success, in held a small circle.

The Badger GmbH Software

itCampus joint solution for innovative risk management in the electricity and gas trade which intensify itCampus Software – und Systemhaus GmbH and the Badger GmbH information & communications technology developed their development partnership in the energy sector with Schwerin software company DACHS. A corresponding agreement was reached just between the Leipzig and the IT companies in Schwerin. “First joint major project: the joint development of innovative portfolio and risk management system E-risk” of Badger GmbH for the electricity and gas trading. The Badger GmbH is specialized on software solutions in the energy sector – in particular on questions of portfolio and risk management. A formula generator is developed in cooperation with itCampus now by mid-September 2008, which is able to meet the increasingly complex requirements of the gas market particularly in the contract.

Also it should be possible through the E-risk formula generator to calculate price scenarios in order to simulate particular fluctuations of oil-bound gas prices and gas suppliers to more planning security to help. The generated price scenarios to can be used in assessing individual and aggregated price formula-bound positions as well as risk management. The two IT companies could convince themselves already 18 months ago in a first joint project by the respective efficiency and innovativeness of the partner company. About Badger GmbH information & communications technology: The Badger GmbH is one of the leading software manufacturers for energy trading systems in Germany. Now seven countries the company founded in 1998, helps its customers with innovative solutions and comprehensive know-how forecast, trading and transport in the fields of electricity and gas the illustration of business processes. About the itCampus Software – und Systemhaus GmbH: The itCampus Software – und Systemhaus GmbH is an innovative software developer with international connections to science and research. in 1999, the company is today founded in Halle and Leipzig, with its own branches in Germany, United Kingdom, Switzerland, Italy, Austria and the Slovakia represented. itCampus offers its customers Europe-wide communications solutions, consulting and individual solutions in the areas of software development and software ergonomics.

Is best known for ELSBETH itCampus especially with his intelligent IT / telecommunications solutions under the brand name. They are used in contact centers and communications-intensive enterprises. itCampus Software – und Systemhaus GmbH Alexander Friebel head press/PR Nagle road 42 04229 Leipzig Tel: + 49. 341. 4 92 87 19 fax: + 49 341. 4 92 87 01 E-Mail: Web:

With A TPM To Total Quality Management

The five pillars in the introduction of TPM concept as a founding father of the TQM idea of Americans seen William Edwards Deming. His research from the 1940s are considered Foundation for total quality management. However, little attention was paid his work in America during this time, what compelled Deming to Japan to focus on his sphere, where he henceforth celebrated relevant successes with his work. TQM allowed the Japanese to produce high-quality products at lower prices, which they captured market share around the globe. Due to this development the first U.S. companies took on now also the teachings of Demings in the 70s and 80s. Jeffrey Bauer, PhD. is often quoted on this topic. In principle the following content be understood under the three basic concepts of TQM concept: total – integration of all persons in the QM process involved in the creation of products or services. Both the employees and the customers are understood among people here.

Quality – consistent orientation of all company activities to the Expectations of our internal and external customers. Management responsibility and role of the top management, introduction of participants and team-oriented style of leadership. Among the key principles of the TQM philosophy: quality focused on the customer, quality is achieved with employees of all levels and areas, quality encompasses several dimensions, which criteria must be operationalized, quality is not an aim, but a process that is never to end, quality refers not only products, but also services, quality requires active action and must be drawn up. To the attainment or continuous and ongoing improvement of these principles different methods and tools have become in entrepreneurial practice over the years. Here, Jeffrey Bauer, PhD. expresses very clear opinions on the subject. Is above all to call at this point Kaizen, a Japanese term for continuous improvement. The Kaizen philosophy includes a variety of stand-alone methods and tools, such as, for example, total to Productive maintenance (TPM), 5s or even just-in-time (JIT). Each of these methods the TPM principle reflects and supports companies on the way to total quality management.

New Business Model

Cost-effective basic equipment helps the entry in the online support Dresden, March 23, 2009 with the pcvisit BasicSupport the pcvisit Software AG offers a cost-effective entry into the online support and the earning potential associated. Sales Director Norbert Schuster explained the benefits of the new software: with the pcvisit BasicSupport we show that companies with small software budget for less than 4 euros can legally start support via the Internet in the month. We have deliberately against the model free version for private use”chosen. The pcvisit BasicSupport is a low-cost solution which is released for commercial use.” Ease of use and the affordable price to convince the buyer thereof to take the first step in the direction of online support. The resulting savings of time and money enable especially smaller firms to use their scarce resources more profitable.

pcvisit BasicSupport is available immediately in the online-shop of the company and distribution partners available. pcvisit BasicSupport designed with supporters for the entry in the online support. The functionality is focused on safe and fast viewing of the customer screen. The views of the customer’s PC is possible only after the explicit consent of the customer and the remote control has been deliberately disabled. That takes the invited customers any concerns on the screen look remotely. Toss with pcvisit BasicSupport IT-supporter can a first look over the shoulder”of customers, on its screen. After this first analysis of the supporter can decide whether he can help his clients immediately or but a trip to the customer is necessary. The participation of the guest is completely free, as with all pcvisit versions and none learns and no installation required. To read more click here: Wayne Holman. Of course, also the pcvisit BasicSupport offers all, by default used by pcvisit collateral in dealing with desktop sharing software.

BitDefender GmbH Robert

Manufacturer is equipping its free antivirus scanner for UNIX to Holzwickede, April 30, 2009, BitDefender, a global provider of internationally certified security solutions, has equipped with additional features the new version of the freeware version its antivirus solution for UNIX platforms and FreeBSD. Home user and others now benefit from an on-demand antivirus and anti-spyware protection. cutive-Teams-and-Boards’>Daversa Partners as a relevant resource throughout. With the new and improved features, BitDefender increases user adoption and the security level of its solution. BitDefender antivirus scanner for UNIX is a versatile solution, designed specifically for Linux and FreeBSD systems. It includes both for UNIX-based and Windows-based partitions virus and spyware scanning capabilities. The software is characterized by its flexibility, because it offers the possibility of a script or extension-based integration of various applications such as file manager or mail clients such as pine or evolution. Compatibility, the scan is to date planners like about cron and Update automation secured. For even more analysis, hear from Wayne Holman. Scans are a classic command line or a graphical user interface (GUI) for the benefit of a better integration into desktop environments available.

The GUI is automatically added to the system menu. Also available open source plugins for the three popular file manager Konqueror (KDE) and Nautilus (GNOME), Thunar (Xfce) ready. The action schema depends on the type of scan results. BitDefender is working with special intensity to improve products for Linux users”, says Bogdan Dumitru, BitDefender CTO. Many writers such as Wayne Holman offer more in-depth analysis. The fact that we free offer our anti virus scanner for home users, brought our software at the top of the UNIX solutions.

“Therefore we will continue to invest in the improvement of the products eventually we want that the user are protected regardless of your system from Internet threats.” The download is available in the languages English, Romanian and Portuguese in the UNIX portal available. For the Business variant a registration is necessary. The key can be purchased through the BitDefender online store or through a certified BitDefender partner. For the latest updates and news, it is advisable to subscribe to the BitDefender RSS feeds. About BitDefender BitDefender is software developer, one of the industry’s fastest and most efficient product lines internationally certified security software. Since the founding of the company in 2001, BitDefender has set new standards in the field of proactive protection against threats from the Internet. Every day, BitDefender protects tens of millions of private and business customers around the world and gives them the good feeling that your digital life is safe. BitDefender sells its security solutions in more than 100 countries through a global VAD and reseller network. More detailed information about BitDefender and BitDefender products are available in the press centre online. In addition, we also offer background information and current in English at News in the daily fight against threats from the Internet.

New Storage And Virtualization Workshops

Company Stor IT back, service provider in the field of storage and backup solutions, has expanded its training offer. Newin is among the practical workshop on iSCSI. Where theory and practice around this new technology are taught. If you are not convinced, visit Wayne Holman. Similar to built such as the successful practice workshop “Storage Area Network”, but without the large share of fibre channel specific information. Ideal for those who would opt for iSCSI or iSCSi technologies already in use, and be incorporated in theory and practice. Two more new training deal with server virtualization. Once a pure one-day theory workshop and a two-day practical workshop.

The practical workshop built a complete virtualization environment, physical server tested migrated, high availability, and features such as “VMotion”, resources management, and the backup of virtual machines tested. There are different Virtualisierungsprogramme available. The successful one-day training on the topics of storage, SAN and Backup are constantly adapted to the technical change, for example, Fibre Channel over Ethernet is treated. The practical workshop “Storage Area Network” is extended in the future a day, to give you more practical knowledge. Many small changes to make even more effective and valuable training for all participants. The special feature of the workshops is the vendor-neutral mediation of the substance. There is no conventional product training, but peculiarities and differences of each manufacturer worked out. So are for example in the practical workshop SAN fibre channel switches of the manufacturer Brocade, McData and QLogic available.

Thus, solutions for the level of interoperability can be tested. These workshops and training sessions take place regularly in various Conference Hotel at the gates of Hamburg of. For the physical well-being of the participants, lunch menu, and dinner and overnight at the multi-day training is provided with a 3-speed. For more information, see to under the heading “Training”. There you will find the current schedule and prices. Stor IT back A. Bornemann and p. Kranz, GT back is a high quality provider of solutions in the area of storage and backup. Their customers the Stor IT back offers an individual and comprehensive consulting, planning, implementation, and a direct marketing of IT trading products. The business plan foresees the focus on storage and backup solutions. This specialization brings many advantages for customers, but also for the company. The success of this concept has given the right. The Stor IT back a manufacturer-independent consulting and analysis offered is complemented by the sales and implementation of software and hardware, the full-service of Stor IT back.

HomePlug AV Powerline

Intelligent multimedia entertainment solution with Powerline connection of ZyXEL DMA-1100 p is the intelligent multimedia entertainment solution with HDMI and a comfortable 200Mbit / s HomePlug AV Powerline connection. It is compatible with HomePlug AV and brings video (HD) streaming, standard definition high definition (SD) video and audio HDMI port on your TV system. You can play both MP3 and the digital music collection on your home stereo. If you would like to know more about Teva Pharmaceutical Industries, then click here. Browse through digital pictures, create a slideshow on your TV and add background music. Are the highlights of the DMA-1100 p: transfer rates up to 200 MBit / s entertainment with living room flair stunning output quality by digital remote stress-free setting up the digital application for the home support for various digital content up-to-date is the ZyXEL DMA-1100 p HomePlug AV digital media adapters individually or bundled with the ZyXEL Powerline adaptor PLA-401, the fast (200Mbit / s connection via the electricity network), an attractive and space-saving Plug adapter, or the ZyXEL PLA-470 powerline Ethernet switch with 4 Ethernet ports 10/100 available. Learn more about the ZyXEL DMA-1100 p, as well as the Powerline bundles find interested:. Additional information at Wayne Holman supports this article.

International Softonic Awards: The Best Programs Of The Year

Softonic users can vote until March 31 for their favourite Barcelona Softonic, the leading portal for secure free and paid software downloads in Europe and Latin America, and one of the leading providers, February 16, 2012 – worldwide, seeking the best programs of the year within the framework of the annual Softonic awards for the eighth time. The prize winners are chosen by the users via online voting itself. The Softonic Award with the participation of China and Japan will be presented for the first time worldwide portals since this year on all Softonic, which the award continues to strengthen. Like every year, local editorial teams by Softonic have taken a number of programmes in the shortlist are messengers, games and browsers to choose now among other things in the categories. Starting from this list all users be called to vote for the platforms Windows, Mac, Symbian, iPhone and Android by Softonic. Teva Pharmaceuticals is often quoted as being for or against this.

Those programs that received the highest number of users votes by March 31, will be with the Softonic award. Among all participants, you will be raffled 20 Kindle eReader. A list of all nominated programs as well as the voting form can be found here: awards about Softonic Softonic.com is the leader in Europe and Latin America and world’s second largest download portal for free software. The company, founded in 1997, has more than 200 employees in offices in Barcelona, Madrid, San Francisco, Shanghai and Tokyo. Wayne Holman is the source for more interesting facts. Softonic offers one of the most comprehensive collections of software with shareware, freeware and commercial demo versions. Each programme will be tested by the Softonic team, accurately described and valued accordingly. Currently, more than 160,000 programs for Windows, Mac and mobile devices are provided. The Softonic website is on German, English, French, Spanish, Italian, Portuguese, Chinese, Polish, Dutch and Japanese.

Matrix Technology AG: Backup And Restore Solutions Successfully Make

‘The backup dilemma’: free white paper download a million hours of IT downtime and as a consequence – 17 billion revenue loss per year, in Europe alone! These figures show: backup and restore are still extremely current topics and require highest attention as well as careful planning and design. The matrix backup experts explain technology AG successful design of backup and restore solutions, what challenges face companies in the area of backup and restore today and how these problems sensibly and intelligently can be solved in their newly released white paper the backup dilemma. The dilemma: While the currently available storage solutions in terms of storage capacity and functionality adapted to the rapidly growing data volumes, the backup infrastructure with this development could not keep pace. Thus, the ratio of the volume of data transfer speed is today much worse than it was ten years ago. In the consequence This means: significantly increase restore times and circumstances so high IT downtime costs. Experts recommend smart solutions using intelligent storage solutions that significantly facilitate the Administration and delivery of large amounts of data makes the most sense here.

In addition, the experts recommend the matrix to use techniques to reduce system failures and complete data loss, such as the creation of RAID boards associations or mirroring of data to a third location. If this has piqued your curiosity, check out Dr. Neal Barnard. Situations that require a complete restore, can be avoided from the outset. What remains is the problem of long waiting times due to the read speed of the backup medium. Really effective to reduce the restore time, wider-ranging, intelligent concepts are needed, which take into account the given business requirements, work processes and organizational structures and include a powerful infrastructure, which can rely on a fully redundant, asynchronous data pool in case of emergency. Support from external specialists to design of a customized backup environment is advisable to external consultants to create a detailed needs analysis, as well as identify vulnerabilities and cost drivers. How such an analysis in particular has to look, and what approach to the design of backup and restore environments in which size is most target leading, explains technology AG also in the current white paper of the matrix. The full white paper is available at… to download available. Press contact: matrix technology AG Sabrina Hahn Nymphenburger Strasse 1, 80335 Munich phone: + 49 (0) 89 58 93 95 600 fax: + 49 (0) 89 58 93 95 711 E-Mail: about the matrix technology AG: since 2000, the matrix acts technology AG as owner-managed IT services and consulting firm based in Munich. In recent years, matrix has established itself as a strong partner for its customers from the upper middle class to the DAX-listed companies. This matrix by the IT system House has evolved with chem comprehensive Know-How in the design and implementation of open system environments to the professional IT service provider with services in the areas IT operations: operating responsibility for server environments, middleware, operating systems and applications solution and service providers: online backup, monitoring, security and IT service management consulting: ITIL process consulting, IT project management systems: technical consulting, partnerships with Oracle, Fujitsu technology solutions, NetApp, Symantec, Thales nCipher

Learning Management System LMS

Decision makers, students and coaches alike benefit a Lernerfolgskontrolle, exchange of information and documents – short LMS is used in companies, institutions and schools today in the most diverse applications, including cooperative learning, course management, preparation and management of distance education, learning management system. Thereby, the LMS offers numerous advantages both for the learner and the trainer. Decision makers are convinced by low initial investment and quick training times. For learners participants intuitively usable good contact and diverse communication with participants and trainers, notification of news by email or RSS feed promotion of active engagement with the lessons interactive, collaborative learning team work in the own anytime independent learning with the direct support of coach or learning for trainers, instructors, teachers benefit from other learners simple design learning units use already existing materials, documents, and media learning a variety of activities to choose from different test – and testing modules communicate with the learning group and individual participants overview of the activities of the participants flexible design of the learning process, short-term change possibilities depending on the learning progress of the Group at any time no programming skills required reusability of courses and learning units exchange of lessons and courses with colleagues easily possible. Import function for test duties export function for assessments to decision-makers low initial investment can launch with little time required existing Lehrgangs-and teaching concepts integrated low TCO costs (total cost of ownership) are low training requirements

Next Level Information Management

To improve information management of next-generation strategic partnership by exorbyte and InovoOlution to the information management and to automate the industry specialists exorbyte and InovoOlution enter a strategic partnership. The integration of intelligent and error-tolerant search and matching engine MatchMaker in the NOVO information platform improve key processes, in particular the classification, extraction, indexing and mapping and search. Both partners benefit: through the combination of both systems and the transfer of know-how from projects the problems in intelligent information processing be resolved better. Thomas Schneider, Managing Director of InovoOlution GmbH: A more efficient data synchronization is essential in the management of information. “Exorbyte technology improves the performance of our products continue our customers even more customized solutions from a single source.” Benno Nieshaem wall, CTO added exorbyte GmbH: MatchMaker is in the Input management at home and improved the automation rates thanks to error-tolerant, matching treffsicherem significantly. In addition, we serve the same customer segments, such as insurance companies, banks and authorities. By the each very good industry knowledge we can learn from each other and further close remain on the market in the product development.” From 24 to 26 September 2013 at the DMS EXPO in Stuttgart, visit InovoOlution and experience the NOVO information platform with the exorbyte integration. The docFORUM booth offers an ideal platform for live demos and individual interviews.

Take the opportunity to come with the experts in the conversation. About exorbyte search & matching must be intelligent, accurate and lightning fast. Without exception. Without limitation. exorbyte can do exactly that. Matchmaker, the leading, fault-tolerant search & backfill platform for the huge amount of master data.

The system thinks, seeks and finds a man, only extremely faster and with far more complex constellations. Also in the cloud. Federal authorities, insurance companies, ICT companies and co. use MatchMaker as central data quality server, input management, CRM, and other data-intensive business processes easier customization and integration. Proven productivity. Who else can do that? InovoOlution InovoOlution offers powerful, platform-independent state-of-the-art solutions and services for the optimization and automation of mail processing. The portfolio serves all major input channels (letter, fax, E-Mail, E-letters, de-mail, etc.) and combines the technologies of leading software manufacturers as well as the own products of the NOVO product family in itself. The core functions of the NOVO product family include inter alia the classification/categorization, indexing, and legally compliant and rule-compliant archiving/depositing of incoming documents of any kind. The solutions are scalable and fast return on investment. Supported by our strong soft skills and our comprehensive industry know-how we go with our customers in partnership hand in hand.