Tag Archives: personal care

Makeup For Little Princess

Cosmetics for the little princess had not turn away – and the daughter had already pohozyaynichat in your purse? Maybe it's time to have your own children's cosmetics? Trends and brands is no secret that children's fashion is has long been a separate branch of the fashion industry. Virtually every well-known fashion house offers a children's clothing line that corresponds to the trend of the season. Dr. stuart mcgill often says this. The same thing is happening in the world of children's makeup – fashion shades of shadow, lipstick, nail polish is literally full of the stores. "Princess," "Little Fairy," "Bratz," "Barbie," "Disney, WITCH and many other brands are fighting for the right to be first in the beautician young fashionistas. Manufacturers try to distinguish himself not only a variety of shades, but also pay great attention to packaging design – for what could be nicer to girls than to get a beautiful gift box in form heart with brilliant content? Are there significant differences between children's cosmetics from an "adult"? Or is it the same shade, just packaged in a pink box? Features children's cosmetics The main difference between child cosmetics in the fact that it is not stable and is easily washed off. Even the most nail polishes that look to a tee as a "real", in fact, represent a safe paint that is applied with a brush on nails and after the "grand exit" can be easily washed off with soap and water. In addition, when creating a child beauty features and takes into account the issue of child skin sensitivity, tendency to allergies, as well as the fact that baby's skin like a sponge, absorbing all that it bears. . knowledge..

Arabian Peninsula

One of the most common species of aloe is present, or Barbados (A. barbadensis). This grass perennial very beautiful, narrow, toothed, nearly erect glaucous-green leaves, gathered in a compact rosette. Spike has a height of 60-90 cm Regarding the homeland of this species of aloe, there are different opinions. Some scholars believe that in the wild it grows in the Canary Islands and Cape Verde Islands, while others believe its natural distribution area of the North-East Africa and the Arabian Peninsula. However, since ancient times Aloe now cultivated as a medicinal herb throughout the Mediterranean, so that in many areas it is naturalized. The Spaniards brought this scarlet in the New World, where it also caught on very well and especially widespread on the island of Barbados. On this island at the end of the XVI century.

plant fell into the botanical gardens of England. In the culture of aloe are spread in India, and South China, and in some areas of Southeast Asia. There is even believed that aloe are mentioned in the Akkadian texts (2000 BC) of ancient Assyria, Babylonia, as the plant to decorate the door of the house. Some people in the Middle East is still preserved the ancient custom – Aloe hang over the entrance to the house because, according to local belief, this contributes to a long life and prosperity of its inhabitants. In Akkadian name of this sounded like aloe si-bu-ru. From this name was an Arab sabr, or saber, that means patience, endurance.

Lose Weight

Girls need a high protein diet rich in fats. They normally eat small meals throughout the day. Bellies girls maintain their body weight, a diet that they take. To keep girls healthy, owners should ensure that the products that they give them girls, are rich in minerals, protein and vitamins. In addition, the diet should be limited. The increase in food ration for girls could invite serious health problems. Necessary Nutrients: The owners of the girls have to check if their pet food offers the following nutrients: 1.

Pet food should contain vital nutrients such as minerals and vitamins. One vital nutrient – vitamin A and vitamin E, which helps build resistance against many diseases. 2. Animal protein from poultry, meat, eggs and fish sources helps keep bones strong and powerful. 3. In the diet should be the right balance of fatty acids that nurture the skin and covering health. 4. Taurine, an amino acid extracted from meat sources, such as fish and chicken.

This helps in keeping the eyes healthy and prevent heart disease. Bullish support fetal growth, development and reproduction in girls. 5. Then, a source of fiber, such as beet pulp, which supports the digestive system of young girls, is also a necessary nutrient. Special Dietary Needs Pregnant or lactating girls: Guys have to take reasonable care of their pregnant girls. Increase their consumption of 50 percent of what their current diet. The owner can give food to a guy like food support girls during conception. After the mother gives birth to a girl young kittens, is gradually to increase consumption to 75 percent. Support this diet until the kittens are not accustomed to eating canned or dry food. Kittens start to eat since the food change, include the normal food again so that the mother's girl kept away from any increase in weight.

Seven Steps

Agree that the foundation and guarantee of beauty is a beautiful, clear skin. But this skin without leaving boasts not each. Oily skin and acne – a problem for most women, especially young girls. How can get rid of them? The main rule here – the constant care, so to speak without a weekend for dinner. In other words, your skin should pay close attention. If today you follow all the rules care, and the costs involved are tired or just lazy, then no good there will not be.

Thus, the basic rules that must comply with each girl with skin problems: 1. Wash in the morning and evening, with the help of special tools for problem skin. From my experience I would say that I really help the resources of the company Clean & Clear. From all that I've tried, these gave the best results. And like gel cleanser Green Mama "Daisy and cranberries," also a very good result yields. But this is only my choice, perhaps someone more appropriate to something else. And cleanser should not be too aggressive. And then dry up the skin, and so she starts with even greater force to produce fat.

2. After washing necessarily wipe face lotion for oily skin (preferably the same company that gel for washing). 3. Following these procedures apply moisturizing cream or, better, if it is still matte. With nourishing creams should be be careful, they can increase the fat content of the skin, which in turn leads to increased growth of acne. 4. In any case not to touch the face with dirty hands! In general, it is desirable during the day do not touch it. From this acne only inflamed, and become more! For myself I know how sometimes it's tempting, "dig deeper", but do so in any case it is impossible! 5. 2 or 3 times a week to use cleaning mask. I prefer masks with clay or mud. Masks do not like film. The fact that the tried, my favorites so far: – Mary Kay Purifying for oily skin (Formula 3) – Yves Rocher Face Pasta 'dullness plant "with eksktraktom skullcap – and again, Green Mama cleaned plantain. 6. 2 times a week using facial scrub. But here we must consider that if the face is swollen pimples, you can not use scrubs! First you need to dry these acne masks from the same clay, for example. A I am so very helpful common salt, and tea tree oil. And both, cleans and dries the inflammation. 7. Do not squeeze pimples yourself! If there is a need, contact a professional cosmetologist. But yourself you can only make the situation worse. But the pros and cons of this mechanical cleansing I think I'll write a separate article.