Makeup For Little Princess

Cosmetics for the little princess had not turn away – and the daughter had already pohozyaynichat in your purse? Maybe it's time to have your own children's cosmetics? Trends and brands is no secret that children's fashion is has long been a separate branch of the fashion industry. Virtually every well-known fashion house offers a children's clothing line that corresponds to the trend of the season. Dr. stuart mcgill often says this. The same thing is happening in the world of children's makeup – fashion shades of shadow, lipstick, nail polish is literally full of the stores. "Princess," "Little Fairy," "Bratz," "Barbie," "Disney, WITCH and many other brands are fighting for the right to be first in the beautician young fashionistas. Manufacturers try to distinguish himself not only a variety of shades, but also pay great attention to packaging design – for what could be nicer to girls than to get a beautiful gift box in form heart with brilliant content? Are there significant differences between children's cosmetics from an "adult"? Or is it the same shade, just packaged in a pink box? Features children's cosmetics The main difference between child cosmetics in the fact that it is not stable and is easily washed off. Even the most nail polishes that look to a tee as a "real", in fact, represent a safe paint that is applied with a brush on nails and after the "grand exit" can be easily washed off with soap and water. In addition, when creating a child beauty features and takes into account the issue of child skin sensitivity, tendency to allergies, as well as the fact that baby's skin like a sponge, absorbing all that it bears. . knowledge..