Tag Archives: health and beauty

Dental Surgeons

Surgeon Dentist/Public Agent front to the Civil liability and the Odontolgica Ethics Introduction the objective of this work is to take Surgeon-Dentist to a reflection on its position as public agent of health, front to the civil liability. Until point will be exerting fully its rights? Civil liability of State x of the Public Agent – Federal Constitution, article 37, 6 ' ' The legal people of rendering public law and of private law of public services will answer for the damages that its agents, in this quality, to cause third, assured the right of return against responsible in the cases of deceit or culpa.' ' The State, for comissivos or omissivos acts of its agents (Surgeon-Dentist/serving public of municipal city halls and state and federal public agencies) answers objective for the actual damages third. This means that the civil liability of the State independe of the evidence of the existence of guilt of the agent. It has that to be characterized, however, the installment of the public service, the damage and the causal nexus, that is, the relation of cause and effect enters the behavior of the agent and the damage that if it intends to repair. – Civil Code, article 15 ' ' The legal people of Public law are civilly responsible for acts of its representatives who in this quality cause damages third, proceeding from contrary way to the Right or to have prescribed lacking it for law, except for the regressive right against the causers of dano.' ' (grifo ours) the institute of the return right protects to the State, after to repay the victim, the possibility to promote action of return against the public, .causing agent of the damage, having deceit or guilt on the part of this last one, to recoup everything what it expended with the indemnity of the victim. Exemplificando Contamination crossed due to sterilization of the hand parts. Teva Pharmaceutical Industries recognizes the significance of this.

Hippocrates Medicine

Therefore, the term also describes the personality and costuma to assign to capacities human beings, or same, used to assign capacities of supernatural beings, as in the expression ' ' The mind of Deus' '. Click Dr. Steven Greer for additional related pages. To understand the mind human being, it has that to abide itself in the brain it is the responsible agency for the mental facultieses in its immense vastidude inside of the medical area has that to understand at least in three great areas if congregates and if they concentrate more Neurology, Psychiatry and Endocrinology. Therefore behind each mental action, it is the brain, that participates chemical reactions and of eletrecidade. But nor always it was thus and until today this question it generates controversa in scientific literature. The relation is not recent that the human spirit is in the brain, but never was so well understood as Ramon M says. while still alive Conceives Skulls with done perforations, with cicatrizao signals, had been found in small farms that date of up to 10.000 years behind citing the Sabatina, R.M.E.: The History of the Psicocirurgia. Peter Arnell, New York might disagree with that approach.

What it does not need without understanding with depth that the brain that exists a relation a trauma in the head it can take the loss of memory. The father of the Medicine was Hipcrates (460-379 AC) believed that the brain was the headquarters of the mind. It wrote: ' ' He would have to be known that it is the source of our pleasure, joy, laugh and diversion, as well as our regret, pain, anxiety and tears, and none another one that not it brain. It is specifically the agency that qualifies in them to think, to see and to hear, to distinguish the ugly one from the beauty, the bad one of the good one, the pleasure of the displeasure. It is the brain also that it is the headquarters of madness and the delirium, of the fears and scares that take in them, many times at night, but ace day times also; it is where the cause of the sleeplessness and the sonambulismo lies, of the thoughts that will not occur, forgotten duties and excentricidades' '.


In older children they can present vertigos, chronic headaches and nasal bleed, that elapses of the hipertenso. According to SOUZA et al. (1999) the bidimensional ecocardiografia, associated to the echo-Doppler, allows the visualization of the zone of the coarctao, the calculation of the gradient transcoarctao and presence of cardiac anomalies associates. The angiography (aortografia) is important to define with bigger precision, the place and the extension of the blockage, with evaluation of its gravity and definition of aspects of the collateral circulation that can be excellent in the option of the operatria strategy (SOUZA et al. 1999). Description of Nursing The given cares of nursing to a child with CC have beginning so soon the diagnosis are suspected. However, in many cases the symptoms that suggest an anomaly cardiac are not gifts to the birth or, if manifest they are so subtle that easily they pass unobserved (WHALEY and WONG, 1999).

Many cardiac defects do not become evidentes until the growth of the child and/or the expense of energy exceed the capacity of the heart to offer oxigenado blood. As the beginning is gradual the child can restrict its activity in way that the signals of physical intolerncia are less obvious (WHALEY and WONG, 1999). A vital component in the nursing description is related with the impact of the riot on the family, mainly the parents. Therefore, the reactions, the confrontation and the concerns in the family also must be enclosed in the evaluation process (WHALEY and WONG, 1999). Disgnostic of Nursing – NANDA Auto risk for reduction of I debit cardiopath related with the structural defect. Lapsing: To manage digoxina as necessary, using the established precautions to prevent poisonings; To manage diurticos as prescribed. Intolerncia the related physical activity with the disequilibrium between the suppliment and offers of oxygen.

GOMES Mechanics

The ventilation mechanics is a form of artificial ventilatrio treatment used in units of intensive cares to promote the oxygenation and the ventilation of the customer who possesss respiratory insufficience of any etiology, being able to be used ties the improvement of clinical picture (BARRETO et al. apud GOMES et al., 2010). The ventilation mechanics is a support used for the customers during an acute respiratory illness, not being considered, never, as a curativa therapy. The use of the ventilation mechanics implies proper risks, having its multicriteria and cautious indication to be and its application surrounded for cares special (CRESPO et al., 2000). The ventilation mechanics is when very used an efficient method in patient with respiratory insufficience, since that it is applied with technique and adequate resources.

However when used of inadequate form, with high values of ventilatrio support without real necessity, or use of not appropriate methods at the moment, it can cause to some adverse effect and complications, being able to injure the pulmes with insufficience still more and increase with this morbimortlidade (DAVID et al. apud GOMES et al., 2010). The adequate use of the ventilation mechanics, for adjusted time and possible invasive the least sufficiently reduces the complications to patients (DAVID et al. apud GOMES et al., 2010). Benefits of the assistance of nursing for patients with respiratory complications When a person possesss a problem of serious health, illness that debilitates its organism the point to leave it without minimum conditions to guarantee its survival not to be with intensive support helps that it to recoup its state of health, or needs to carry through a surgery of great transport, this customer must be interned in a unit of intensive therapy (ARAJO et al., 2008). This makes in to perceive them the great responsibility that if has when working in a UTI, a time that the services of intensive therapy occupy hospital areas destined to the care of critical customers, whom they need complex and specialized cares.

Chronic Hypertension

Chronic Hipertenso is the arterial pressure above of 140×90 mmHg before the twentieth week of gestation. The DHEG is characterized, beyond rise of the sanguineous pressricos levels, by the presence of proteinria and edema generalized, initiates after 20 week of gestation, and with these symptoms is classified as daily pay-eclmpsia (Valadares Grandson et al, 2000). When irritability of Sistema Nervoso Central occurs (SNC) has as consequncia the convulsions it eats and it, being then called eclmpsia (Arajo et al, 1998; Alencar Jr, 2000). Alencar Jnior (2000) divides the daily pay-eclmpsia in: Light Daily pay: characterized for bigger or equal arterial pressure 140×90 mmHg, or 30 increase of mmHg in the sistlica pressure, or still 15 increase of mmHg in the diastlica pressure; edema that it does not yield to the rest and proteinria. Serious Daily pay: 160×110 is characterized for bigger or equal arterial pressure mmHg, or with appearance of any another premunitrio signal of eclmpsia. Alencar Jnior (2000) points, still, the premunitrios signals of eclmpsia: Chronic headache, mental confusion, confusion of the vision, epigastralgia or pain in the right hipocndrio; Syndrome HELLP (anemia hemoltica? H? ; raised hepticas enzymes? el? ; trombocitopenia, or plaquetas below of 100.000/mm? ' ' lp); Proteinria (3g or more in 24h); Oligria (less than 450 ml/24h); Pulmonary Edema, cianose; Hemoconcentrao. The modified pressricos levels, when perceived for the health team, must be confirmed in, at least, two measures, with the gestante in rest (Schirmer et al, 2000). Orra, Silva and Muniz (1994) show that in atypical pictures they can be found hemlise, hepticas enzyme trombocitopenia and rise, characterizing Syndrome HELLP, above cited, that it means I aggravate for the deteriorizao of the organic functions maternas, demanding immediate resolution of the gestation. According to Cabral, Costa and Cabral Jr (2003), the childbirth Caesarean type passed to be used in order to diminish the indices of infantile morbimortalidade materna and in the case of the DHEG and other complications.

The Cells

The chronic effect include damage, disfuno or bankruptcy of agencies, especially sanguineous kidneys, nerves, heart and vases. The initial presentation can be given for polidipsia symptoms, poliria loss of weight; in more serious cases, these symptoms evolve for cetoacidose or eat to hiperosmolar that, if not taken care of readily, they can lead to bito' '. (DUCAN, 2004, P. 935). It is responsible for the morbi-mortality of good part of the Brazilian and world-wide population, reaching people of the most varied phases of the vital cycle. One knows, however, that great part of its complications could be prevented with writs of prevention, what mellitus can be made by means of programs of health for control of diabetes or of its complications.

(TEIXEIRA, 2004). According to Brunner ' ' diabetes mellitus is a group of metabolic illnesses characterized by raised glucose levels in the blood (hiperglicemia) resultant of defects in the secretion of insulina and or the action of this. ' ' (BRUNNER, 2000, P. 936) ' ' The insulina, is the hormone produced for the pncreas, controls the glucose level in the blood when regulating its production and storage. In the diabetic state, the cells can stop to answer the insulina or the pncreas can stop total of produced-la.' ' (BRUNNER, 2000, P. 935) diabetes mellitus can be classified in 03 types: gestacional, type I and type II, being, according to Brunner 2001, the main classifications are: Type I? previously related as insulino dependent; Type II? previously related with diabetes mellitus not insulino dependent.

' ' Diabetes type I characterizes for destruction of the pancreticas cells beta. One gives credit that a combination of genetic, imunolgicos and possibly ambient factors (p.ex you capsize) contributes for the destruction of the cells beta' ' (BRUNNER, 2000, P. 935). ' ' Normally, the insulina one leagues it receiving special in the cellular surfaces and initiates a series of involved reactions in the metabolism of the glucose.


They must always be associates to the biological tests, therefore separately it does not guarantee an efficient sterilization. (BRAZIL, 2001). The external pointers are ribbons of self-adhesive used basically to differentiate the not processed processed packages of. (BRAZIL, 2001) Brazil, 2001 Mentions that the types of internal pointers vary the sterilization processes in accordance with. They are divided in: Classroom 1: pointers of process (former: zebrada ribbon). It indicates that the material passed for the sterilization process. The materials must be used in all to be used.

For use of materials type package or box. Classroom 2: pointers for use in test specific (former: Bowie and Dick). It serves to test effectiveness of the system of vacuum in the daily pay-vacuum sterilizers. It carries through the detention of air bubbles and evaluates the ability of the sterilizers, daily pay-vacuum in air removal when the admitted vapor and, forming the vacuum. It must not have formation of bubbles that can compromise the sterilization process. It must daily be carried through, before the processing of the first load. Classroom 3: parameter pointers.

Projected to measure one of the critical parameters of the sterilization process: vapor, time, temperature or saturated vapor. Classroom 4: multi-parameters: Used to measure two or more critical parameters of the sterilization process. They indicate the exposition to the sterilization cycle. Classroom 5: integrated pointers: Projected to react with all the critical parameters of the process of sterilization, inside of a specific interval of sterilization cycle. Classroom 6: Simulators: Projected to react with all the critical parameters of the process of sterilization. The reading of the pointer is capable to mention possible imperfections in some specific parameter Test of Bowie-Dick, as Roman, 2010. p.2 For its accomplishment becomes a package with clamped fields one on the other forming a stack of 25 the 28 cm of height, in the way of this stack places a paper with ribbons of sterilizer or zebradas ribbons glue in cross form, covering all the surface of the paper.