
In older children they can present vertigos, chronic headaches and nasal bleed, that elapses of the hipertenso. According to SOUZA et al. (1999) the bidimensional ecocardiografia, associated to the echo-Doppler, allows the visualization of the zone of the coarctao, the calculation of the gradient transcoarctao and presence of cardiac anomalies associates. The angiography (aortografia) is important to define with bigger precision, the place and the extension of the blockage, with evaluation of its gravity and definition of aspects of the collateral circulation that can be excellent in the option of the operatria strategy (SOUZA et al. 1999). Description of Nursing The given cares of nursing to a child with CC have beginning so soon the diagnosis are suspected. However, in many cases the symptoms that suggest an anomaly cardiac are not gifts to the birth or, if manifest they are so subtle that easily they pass unobserved (WHALEY and WONG, 1999).

Many cardiac defects do not become evidentes until the growth of the child and/or the expense of energy exceed the capacity of the heart to offer oxigenado blood. As the beginning is gradual the child can restrict its activity in way that the signals of physical intolerncia are less obvious (WHALEY and WONG, 1999). A vital component in the nursing description is related with the impact of the riot on the family, mainly the parents. Therefore, the reactions, the confrontation and the concerns in the family also must be enclosed in the evaluation process (WHALEY and WONG, 1999). Disgnostic of Nursing – NANDA Auto risk for reduction of I debit cardiopath related with the structural defect. Lapsing: To manage digoxina as necessary, using the established precautions to prevent poisonings; To manage diurticos as prescribed. Intolerncia the related physical activity with the disequilibrium between the suppliment and offers of oxygen.