Fun Health Foods

Carrots also contain "alpha carotene" which protects against free radical damage. Carrots are a great way to get your vitamin A as excess carotenoids are expelled from the body. Too much vitamin A is toxic to the body. Green leafy vegetables, particularly kale and spinach are a good source of zinc and iron. Iron Will, make sure your skin gets enough oxygen and zinc is a large grain fighter.

Eating a little each day if possible or may include some in a fresh juice. Parsley deserves a separate mention, since that is rich in most of the skin enhancing nutrients. Contains beta-carotene, chlorophyll, vitamin B12, folic acid (good for firm skin), vitamin C and iron. Parsley can be added to juices, casseroles, spread over any savory dish or simply chewed by itself. His great fresh breath too. Parsley is easy to grow, pop some in a pot and keep it near the kitchen door. Olive oil is fabulous for the dry skin and wrinkles.

Use this new password to cook – it contains monounsaturated fats and anti-oxidants or slather it on the skin after bathing. Linseed and linseed oil (also known as linseed) contain the essential omega 3 oils not found in many foods. (Fish also contains omega 3 fatty acids). Flax seeds contain fiber and phytoestrogens hormones that balance the body and are essential for younger looking skin. Sprinkle on your cereal or use in soups and stews. Avocados give skin (especially dry skin) a boost. Although fairly high in fat, its the healthy monounsaturated kind which makes dry skin supple.