Cup Massage

Just need to mention that these recommendations are not suitable for those who have serious weight problems and as a consequence not only of cellulite, but also cosmetics and related physiological problems. This article is for women, girls, and maybe men who have cosmetic problems is easy to hide behind his pants and tights, and in some odezhah figure so all the top models, but here in pastels or on the beach no longer be concealed and emerging orange peel not quite perfect roundness. Below these exercises are strictly for the thighs and buttocks! Using the exercises in other parts of the body is fraught!! I assume that you will be tempted to put in order with the help of banks and belly-NOT! (If you do not want problems and complications with internal organs). Other contraindications to point out, skin problems, such as any dermatitis, wounds and sores, problems with kopelyarami and veins (if there is an asterisk and mesh on the skin, varicose – you a massage is not suitable flatly) What we need from the available tools: 1. Bank of silicone (available at pharmacies, the cost of banks from 50 to 150 rubles). 2. cream (if There is a special anti-cellulite cream or against stretch marks, well, the effect will increase by 2 times, if not, you can use any cream for your skin, so a jar slipped). 3.

partner (if you can find an assistant-sister, mother, husband, friend, then the buttocks will be covered fully, and where you yourself will not make an unpleasant-assistant will not falter, and if there is no assistant, nothing wrong somehow adapt.) Cup massage should be done after the bath or shower. Step 1. Lubricates cream problem areas. Step 2. Take a jar and sits down on her skin, lightly pressed on top of banks. If you feel pain, remove jar and repeat a little less force. Step 3.

Massage is recommended do bottom-up unhurried movements, you can try rotating motion. Should not be hurt, but will be unpleasant. If you're stroking but do not feel anything, then all too easily confused and planted Bank no. If the jar will come off, you sit down it again. The first session is spend a short-lived, so the next morning to see if there are bruises. If all is in order, in this mode and act. 10 sessions is enough! You can blue light stay on the skin and not immediately be visible effect. Wait a few days, and you will see that there is improvement. A month later, you can repeat the course. Due to the fact that after a massage may be small and blue in the face redness, anti-cellulite massage is not recommended for 2 days before departure to the resort. Prepare the sleigh in summer!!