Tag Archives: women's health

Cup Massage

Just need to mention that these recommendations are not suitable for those who have serious weight problems and as a consequence not only of cellulite, but also cosmetics and related physiological problems. This article is for women, girls, and maybe men who have cosmetic problems is easy to hide behind his pants and tights, and in some odezhah figure so all the top models, but here in pastels or on the beach no longer be concealed and emerging orange peel not quite perfect roundness. Below these exercises are strictly for the thighs and buttocks! Using the exercises in other parts of the body is fraught!! I assume that you will be tempted to put in order with the help of banks and belly-NOT! (If you do not want problems and complications with internal organs). Other contraindications to point out, skin problems, such as any dermatitis, wounds and sores, problems with kopelyarami and veins (if there is an asterisk and mesh on the skin, varicose – you a massage is not suitable flatly) What we need from the available tools: 1. Bank of silicone (available at pharmacies, the cost of banks from 50 to 150 rubles). 2. cream (if There is a special anti-cellulite cream or against stretch marks, well, the effect will increase by 2 times, if not, you can use any cream for your skin, so a jar slipped). 3.

partner (if you can find an assistant-sister, mother, husband, friend, then the buttocks will be covered fully, and where you yourself will not make an unpleasant-assistant will not falter, and if there is no assistant, nothing wrong somehow adapt.) Cup massage should be done after the bath or shower. Step 1. Lubricates cream problem areas. Step 2. Take a jar and sits down on her skin, lightly pressed on top of banks. If you feel pain, remove jar and repeat a little less force. Step 3.

Massage is recommended do bottom-up unhurried movements, you can try rotating motion. Should not be hurt, but will be unpleasant. If you're stroking but do not feel anything, then all too easily confused and planted Bank no. If the jar will come off, you sit down it again. The first session is spend a short-lived, so the next morning to see if there are bruises. If all is in order, in this mode and act. 10 sessions is enough! You can blue light stay on the skin and not immediately be visible effect. Wait a few days, and you will see that there is improvement. A month later, you can repeat the course. Due to the fact that after a massage may be small and blue in the face redness, anti-cellulite massage is not recommended for 2 days before departure to the resort. Prepare the sleigh in summer!!

Pregnancy And The Flu Epidemic

Pregnant women are more susceptible to flu, and transferred it harder than other categories of people. Statistics said that the need for hospitalization and treatment in the intensive care ward of the flu in a few times higher among pregnant women in comparison with other population groups. This is because during pregnancy increases the load on the cardiovascular and immune systems, and the accession of a viral infection often leads to a breakdown at the limit of adaptation mechanisms. The most common complications of influenza during pregnancy are pneumonia, dehydration and premature birth. Influenza has adverse consequences for the health of the unborn child.

Children from convalescents during pregnancy, mothers are usually born with low birth weight and are often hospitalized in the hospital with various illnesses during the first year of life. To the expectant mother to protect themselves from influenza during seasonal rise in the incidence should strictly abide by the following preventive measures: – Avoid contact with flu patients in human beings. If a family has sick, then put it in a separate room and wearing personal protective mask when in contact with him. It is desirable that a sick courting someone else, not a pregnant woman. – Frequently and thoroughly (for about 15-20 seconds) to wash hands with soap, especially before eating.

– Avoid touching the face, eyes and nose with unwashed hands. The most important means of preventing influenza is vaccination. Despite the fact that the results of clinical trials of influenza vaccines in pregnant women there is not accumulated many years of data indicate the absence of harm to the health of children due to vaccination of their mothers during pregnancy. This year, in connection with the concurrent risk seasonal flu, and governments in many countries recommend that expectant mothers get immunized against both types of virus. Vaccination can be performed in any period of pregnancy. Vaccination is not compulsory, but recommended. For the vaccination of pregnant women using inactivated virus. Live vaccine with attenuated virus and the vaccine nasal spray should not be used during pregnancy. Flu symptoms are: high fever, cough, nasal congestion or runny nose, sore throat, headache, body aches, chills, weakness, diarrhea and sometimes vomiting. If you are ill, you should: – Call the doctor at home – to isolate themselves from others, and the inevitable contact put on a protective mask – Drink plenty of fluids – Irrigate your nose and gargle with saline solution – If there is a need for drugs to avoid harmful fruit resources. Safe in pregnancy are Paracetamol (antipyretic), Diphenhydramine (antihistamine), pseudoephedrine (vasoconstrictor in the nose) after the first trimester. Call an ambulance needed if you appeared at least one of the following symptoms: fever, did not decrease after paracetamol, shortness of breath or choking, pain in the chest or abdomen, severe or persistent vomiting, sudden dizziness, confusion Consciousness, reduction or absence of fetal movements. Pregnancy – a happy kid while waiting. Do not let flu spoil it!

The Purpose Of Autogenic Training

It is quite clear: the problem of character and intellectual abilities in our eyes are often more significant partial physical health disorders. Not accidentally, and Schultz, the founder of the at technique, considered the AT-1, only the introduction of AT-2. However, it is impossible to master the highest level of at, without examining methods of AT-1. Deliberately to influence the emotional sphere can not only mastered the autonomic responses are all manifestations of higher nervous activity has its biochemical and physiological nature. Methodological consistency in at can be broken without prejudice to its outcome. Schultz thought the complex AT-2 core, mostly. However, this "home" at not succeed: 45 years, she has not received any significant proliferation, while the AT-1 is widely used around the world.

The reason for this in the wrong methodological basis shultsevokoy AT-2, it is rather cumbersome and excessive complexity of techniques and, more importantly, in its ultimate failure. AT-2, according to Schulz, is based on visualization of concepts and is nothing like an original autopsiho analysis. So what should someone who wants to continue training at a higher level? Do the following simple exercise: achieving autogenous dive, imagine that you are going to unfrequented avenue or alley. Act of walking to imagine with all the imaginable detail. However, you can go, changing tempo and rhythm of walking. Here and join in with this, mentally changing the characteristic distance. Very comfortable doing it, recalling the appropriate music. And if you're starting with a slow "Leading the" under smooth waltz tune, speed up the steps at a pace stately march, and then dancing under the foxtrot, you will notice that depending on the chosen tempo change your breathing, pulse, and to some extent your mood. Change the tempo and rhythm of movement and change the tempo of mental processes, the pace of experiences.