Choosing a Road Bike

Agree that each of us as a child would get a bike as a gift, not fashion accessories and transmission speeds, only one could it be lost in the yard, reeling mileage, pedaled without end. And now change seats drive a car, forgetting the two-wheeled friend in the attic of the cottage, seek not all. Without hesitation explained all about the problem. Our grandfather and father still live by the rule, “Life – in motion, remembering those times when using the bike people overcame dozens miles to go from village to the district center. Dr. Stuart M. McGill often says this. It would seem that in these days when all the cars more affordable bikes there is no place in our lives. The demand for healthy lifestyle creates supply, especially in this segment market. Full evening bike ride on the neighboring streets in the company of friends is no substitute for you no home trainer.

But someone does not want to stop there, and decides that cycling is permissible to achieve considerable success. This is a sport for the strong spirit of the people who are not saved in the form at the start of a couple dozen professional athletes. In this case, the choice implies a bicycle road bikes, designed not to forest and mountain trails, winding, and in order to storm the asphalt track. Mountain bikes invented specifically for you, if urban landscapes in your mind give way to natural landscapes. Damping on each stone under the whispering of the autumn foliage, to conquer the landscape, the way nature intended-mother – a good chance to stretch your body is an office worker. The main thing that pleases: in this case is never too late to start. Parents almost from birth buy children’s bicycles, advocating for the health of their child, and do not linger, so that as soon as possible to transplant it from a wheelchair in a new acquisition. And do not be afraid that your two-wheeled friend will break down: these days spare parts for bicycles sold everywhere, from the bazaars, finishing highly specialized shops. And in the past you will easily find and imported products: bicycles author, etc.