Monthly Archives: April 2018


In older children they can present vertigos, chronic headaches and nasal bleed, that elapses of the hipertenso. According to SOUZA et al. (1999) the bidimensional ecocardiografia, associated to the echo-Doppler, allows the visualization of the zone of the coarctao, the calculation of the gradient transcoarctao and presence of cardiac anomalies associates. The angiography (aortografia) is important to define with bigger precision, the place and the extension of the blockage, with evaluation of its gravity and definition of aspects of the collateral circulation that can be excellent in the option of the operatria strategy (SOUZA et al. 1999). Description of Nursing The given cares of nursing to a child with CC have beginning so soon the diagnosis are suspected. However, in many cases the symptoms that suggest an anomaly cardiac are not gifts to the birth or, if manifest they are so subtle that easily they pass unobserved (WHALEY and WONG, 1999).

Many cardiac defects do not become evidentes until the growth of the child and/or the expense of energy exceed the capacity of the heart to offer oxigenado blood. As the beginning is gradual the child can restrict its activity in way that the signals of physical intolerncia are less obvious (WHALEY and WONG, 1999). A vital component in the nursing description is related with the impact of the riot on the family, mainly the parents. Therefore, the reactions, the confrontation and the concerns in the family also must be enclosed in the evaluation process (WHALEY and WONG, 1999). Disgnostic of Nursing – NANDA Auto risk for reduction of I debit cardiopath related with the structural defect. Lapsing: To manage digoxina as necessary, using the established precautions to prevent poisonings; To manage diurticos as prescribed. Intolerncia the related physical activity with the disequilibrium between the suppliment and offers of oxygen.

GOMES Mechanics

The ventilation mechanics is a form of artificial ventilatrio treatment used in units of intensive cares to promote the oxygenation and the ventilation of the customer who possesss respiratory insufficience of any etiology, being able to be used ties the improvement of clinical picture (BARRETO et al. apud GOMES et al., 2010). The ventilation mechanics is a support used for the customers during an acute respiratory illness, not being considered, never, as a curativa therapy. The use of the ventilation mechanics implies proper risks, having its multicriteria and cautious indication to be and its application surrounded for cares special (CRESPO et al., 2000). The ventilation mechanics is when very used an efficient method in patient with respiratory insufficience, since that it is applied with technique and adequate resources.

However when used of inadequate form, with high values of ventilatrio support without real necessity, or use of not appropriate methods at the moment, it can cause to some adverse effect and complications, being able to injure the pulmes with insufficience still more and increase with this morbimortlidade (DAVID et al. apud GOMES et al., 2010). The adequate use of the ventilation mechanics, for adjusted time and possible invasive the least sufficiently reduces the complications to patients (DAVID et al. apud GOMES et al., 2010). Benefits of the assistance of nursing for patients with respiratory complications When a person possesss a problem of serious health, illness that debilitates its organism the point to leave it without minimum conditions to guarantee its survival not to be with intensive support helps that it to recoup its state of health, or needs to carry through a surgery of great transport, this customer must be interned in a unit of intensive therapy (ARAJO et al., 2008). This makes in to perceive them the great responsibility that if has when working in a UTI, a time that the services of intensive therapy occupy hospital areas destined to the care of critical customers, whom they need complex and specialized cares.

Cup Massage

Just need to mention that these recommendations are not suitable for those who have serious weight problems and as a consequence not only of cellulite, but also cosmetics and related physiological problems. This article is for women, girls, and maybe men who have cosmetic problems is easy to hide behind his pants and tights, and in some odezhah figure so all the top models, but here in pastels or on the beach no longer be concealed and emerging orange peel not quite perfect roundness. Below these exercises are strictly for the thighs and buttocks! Using the exercises in other parts of the body is fraught!! I assume that you will be tempted to put in order with the help of banks and belly-NOT! (If you do not want problems and complications with internal organs). Other contraindications to point out, skin problems, such as any dermatitis, wounds and sores, problems with kopelyarami and veins (if there is an asterisk and mesh on the skin, varicose – you a massage is not suitable flatly) What we need from the available tools: 1. Bank of silicone (available at pharmacies, the cost of banks from 50 to 150 rubles). 2. cream (if There is a special anti-cellulite cream or against stretch marks, well, the effect will increase by 2 times, if not, you can use any cream for your skin, so a jar slipped). 3.

partner (if you can find an assistant-sister, mother, husband, friend, then the buttocks will be covered fully, and where you yourself will not make an unpleasant-assistant will not falter, and if there is no assistant, nothing wrong somehow adapt.) Cup massage should be done after the bath or shower. Step 1. Lubricates cream problem areas. Step 2. Take a jar and sits down on her skin, lightly pressed on top of banks. If you feel pain, remove jar and repeat a little less force. Step 3.

Massage is recommended do bottom-up unhurried movements, you can try rotating motion. Should not be hurt, but will be unpleasant. If you're stroking but do not feel anything, then all too easily confused and planted Bank no. If the jar will come off, you sit down it again. The first session is spend a short-lived, so the next morning to see if there are bruises. If all is in order, in this mode and act. 10 sessions is enough! You can blue light stay on the skin and not immediately be visible effect. Wait a few days, and you will see that there is improvement. A month later, you can repeat the course. Due to the fact that after a massage may be small and blue in the face redness, anti-cellulite massage is not recommended for 2 days before departure to the resort. Prepare the sleigh in summer!!

Brazilian Ambient

PROJECT MODEL PHARMACY AMBIENT POINT For Rodrigo Dallacosta 17/03/2011 rodrigo.ambientalista@ SUMMARY the project pharmacy ambient point, is a new and innovative project in the area of the environment, and is in makes of development for some pupils of the course of technology in ambient management of the city of Joaaba – SC, in partnership with local pharmacies and secretariat of the environment, with the objective to take care of or to minimize an ambient problem little known by the population, that is the medicine discarding, that the consumers possess in its residences, and does not know what to make or where to discard, when not more necessary for them or when such medicines already if collision with the exceeded stated period of validity. INTRODUCTION the medicines in general are manufactured from chemical sustncias of the most diverse categories, and are beneficial our health, but extremely harmful to the environment, exactly for containing such it substantiates chemistries that in direct contact with the nature, poluem the ground immediately afterwards and freticos sheets, rivers and lakes. The Brazilian population as well as the one of the remaining portion of the world, consuming is exaggerated of medicines and many times until compulsory, what it inside causes a great amount of medicines gifts of our homes. The ambient problem hidden by behind of it I pparently inhabit harmless for the health human being who is the consumption exaggerated or unnecessary of medicines, is related exactly with the discarding of these domiciliary medicines, when not more necessary for us or when same if the collision with the exceeded stated period of validity. Normally what we are accustomed to make when this occurs, it is together with to discard them our domiciliary garbage, that immediately afterwards is collected and carried to the lixes or sanitary, spread aterros in the cities, and is at this moment that occurs a serious problem of ambient impact, impact this that we aim at through our project to minimize the consequences, therefore to maximize the ratios and to make a estimate of how much of medicine is discarded in the environment in one day, month or year, in a country of the size of Brazil, consequentemente we will have some tons of chemical and extremely toxic products, poured in our ground and hidrogrficas basins, harming the quality of the water, fauna and aquatic flora and the proper population.