Functional Liver

All the blood from the gastrointestinal tract (from the slag or not) passes through the liver. During the years of our lives by gravity, it so clogged that it ceases to function normally, and blood flow. Arises ‘portal hypertension’, which leads to stagnation of venous blood and the extinction of the functions of all bodies that this stagnation is observed. The liver must need cleaning. 5.

The next body, which suffered from the toxic and unnatural about the contents of blood are the kidneys. The kidneys must cleanse and strengthen. Described five components, I believe the main cleansing the body. Undergo major cleaning procedures must be in the following sequence: 1. Getting clean field form of life. 2. Simultaneously with the purification of the field form of life to conduct a ‘softening of the body. If you would like to know more then you should visit Dr. Robert Brannon.

” After all, before cleaning physical body, you need to ‘shake up’ slag sticking in every cell, ‘otkvasit’ scum of the mucous membranes and bring it all to the excretory organs. Without this effect of any cleaning is very small. This is the first and paramount reception cleanse the physical body is called a ‘softening of the body “and must be conducted before any purging of the physical body. 3. Once passed the ‘softening of the body’, must start immediately to cleanse the colon while simultaneously cleaning liquid medium of the body. To purification was quality, I recommend to change the food (both qualitatively and quantitatively, and to observe the activity digestive organs during the day). 4. After cleansing the colon 2-3 times a week visit the steam and consume 2-3 liters of fresh juices daily. Such follow 1-2 months. During this time you replace all toxic fluid in the body clean. The main requirement – follow the correct, natural food. It is best to do a similar cleanup in the autumn, when many fruits and vegetables. 5. If you have liver trouble begin its purification (on average 4-7 times) after cleaning the colon. If it you sick, then cleaned in the spring. In general, I recommend to abandon liver cleansing in the autumn – the effect is much weaker. 6. After cleansing the liver is better winter, begin to cleanse the kidneys.

Having the sequence in the cleansing cycle, we re-revive your body. After this cycle, we all may need other, secondary, cleaning procedures. If a person starts to clear the liver, the toxins and the toxins are still coming from the intestine into the bloodstream, quickly re-contaminate it. The same applies to the kidneys. I think you will now clear the absurdity of any other the sequence of cleaning procedures. I stress again that the proposed scheme has proven itself in practice for 8 years and can restore the function of the physical body, energy, psyche and change the whole human being. Only after this series, you see, what places in your body you need to earn some money. This can be done with secondary cleansing procedures. Now you can proceed to such a powerful cleaning agent, as starvation, urinovoe starvation, and ensure excellent results. To start fasting without purging is possible, but postponed it in this case many times heavier.