Fast Food Makes People Impatient

Eating fast food – loved by millions of fast food – not only unhealthy but can also adversely affect human behavior. In particular, according to U.S. scientists, hamburgers, cheeseburgers and other similar dishes make people impatient and hot-tempered, according to U.S. media. Employees of the University of Toronto conducted a study in three phases. First they divided the volunteers into two groups. One run-time assignments on the computer showed the 25-th frame image of a symbol McDonald’s – the golden arches – the other did not show any additional images. As shown by the first experiment, the first group tried to do the job faster, with rewards for high-speed solution has not been scheduled.

The second group showed a more calm and mature behavior. The next study confirmed the influence of fast food on the rush. In particular, people who ate at fast food restaurants more often preferred to other products that save time – for example, shampoos ‘two-in-one’. The third observation showed that the fans fast food are less inclined to save money: they often get a cheaper thing, but smaller than something big and expensive. ‘Fast food is a culture of saving time and enjoyment. The problem is that the desire saving time is activated regardless of whether the time is a significant factor ‘- said one of the authors of the study.