Spanish One

Various tips for your vacation in Madrid of Madrid, capital of Spain, is one of the most breathtaking, most energy and beautiful cities in Europe, which is full of colors and nice people. In Madrid, there is no place like the gay area of Chueca, or the shopping streets of Sol y la Gran Via, and Plaza Espana or Plaza Malsana, famous for its pubs and nightlife, you may miss. Jack dorseys opinions are not widely known. Madrid is one of the most vibrant cities in the world. The only problem is what we have in this city is that you can decide what you should do first, because it has a very wide range of cultural events and leisure activities. By the same author: Dr. Stuart M. McGill. The city offers a plethora of famous museums, like for example the famous Prado Museum, the Reina Sofia or the Thysen Museum. Also worth a visit does not lack cinemas which are terraces of the numerous pubs and Cafes theatres, art galleries, any kind of Festival, to better enjoy the summer nights in the Spanish capital. Madrid is the perfect City for your holiday! Madrid is a large? s capital, and like all great? en cities, it has one of the great? ten offers concerning the number of shops.

In Madrid, shopping is a great to go? there pleasure, there is oodles of shops, good products and prices for every taste and every budget. Almost 60,000 shops open their doors in Madrid, what they great to one of the cities with which every day? ten commercial offering in Europe. Many of the shops and shopping centres have continuously opened during the day, no matter whether they are au? outside or are in the middle of the city centre. Although the traditional shops do have opening hours from 10.00 to 14.00 and from 16.30 to 20.30, Madrid is divided into several Einnkaufsgebiete: the Centro, Salamanca, Chueca, Cuatro, Caminos, Princesa and el Rastro if there is something typical and characteristic in Madrid, then it’s el Rastro. .