Renewable Energies

Does photovoltaics have a future? It is a marginal technology? energy efficiency is the workhorse that no attention is paid?. To these and other questions will respond high and clear Pere Negre, Director of engineering of SunEnergy, the Spanish business group of renewable energies, in a practical seminar organized by mundoFranquicia consulting, renowned consultant franchises, and destined for entrepreneurs who are thinking to start a business with much pull as well as for anyone who wants to learn more about this sector. Shedding light on quotation SunEnergy will make a clear x-ray of a niche market of high profitability. As experts in renewable energies will offer a description of which is currently affecting the sector of renewable energy at the level of small and medium enterprises, and to where goes in the coming years. We flying light on those less clear aspects and discuss the prejudices and myths that exist about this sector, says Negre. These are some of the questions that will be resolved: actually generates more electricity than was used in the own manufacture of panels? -The market for thermal solar installations as the construction sector itself stands so? Are not there other applications that heat water? Is the micro-cogeneracion a key solution to increase this efficiency in existing buildings? Are biomass boilers a real alternative to the conventional gas or diesel?