Special action of because high customer response extended until April 31, 2009 are the Millers & Stibbe capital consulting GbR investors interested in the possibility of a further development of the Nobel Prize-winning portfolio theory by Harry M. Markowitz for unique 299,-VAT check your existing depot. While the company addresses explicitly the individual expected return and risk appetite of investors. Thus, the depot owner receives an inexpensive way to check the recommendations of his bank, and his financial adviser. Result of analysis is focused on the personal preferences, a concrete recommendation for action to the adaptation of the depot. Stefan R.
Muller: Experience has shown that many depositors primarily hold funds and securities in the depot, which can be placed by the depositary bank itself, or a subsidiary of it. Financial service providers often only work with a very limited number of product providers and can thus choosing the funds not on the complete market access. In addition, that bank consultant and Broker often in the sales or Commission pressure required and often meet individual product requirements. So the recommendations often pass on the customer’s requirements. Unfortunately the investors notes this in many cases until too late, when significant losses have occurred. We want investors to give the opportunity to review the structuring of the depot from a truly independent fee consultant without sales pressure.” Up to the 31.04.2009 custody account holders can contact capital consulting GbR with the Muller & Stibbe in conjunction, to give a neutral review for consultancy fee in order..