Bright hopes or dreams of the future? In traffic lights, car tail lights and headlights, they are already an integral part now the LEDs to replace also the light bulbs at home. The consumer portal reports on the pros and cons. Stiftung Warentest found disappointing home test: the LED is lit long not bright enough. As it is very susceptible to heat, it can be operated only with little power. Without an effective cooling at an early stage gives up the ghost. But how bright lights the LED light bulb actually? Brightness is measured in lumens.
The brightest LED reached only 170 lumen. An ordinary 25-watt bulb creates 190 lumens. The one bright spot is the LED lamp Bioledex on 662 lumens coming, but is available in a version for ordinary ceiling lights. The advertised life of some LEDs is questionable. Embarassingly, two lamps in the test acknowledged at an early stage the service. Advertised on the packaging manufacturers of Lemnis model with 50,000 hours of operation, the lamp failed already After 1000 hours. In terms of electricity the new lamps save but potential ways. Since the price of electricity is currently increasing, it might be worth indeed to switch to in the future.
For example the Bioledex presses of a watt up to 77 lumens out, the bulb of only six to ten. The Athen could score points in other areas: compared with incandescent bulbs, they are not as vulnerable to shocks. In addition they develop less heat and are bright in contrast to first energy-saving bulbs immediately after switching on.