Economic Crisis

No doubt the country along with the economy, the extreme poor and the unemployed assets, will not go better for going anywhere: with a single gesture, factual and media, designed and edited, from the newsrooms for television, radio and newspaper, the country is a pool of blood or was a sea of people on beaches. Accustomed to the neglect of letting go and let go, the presidential term with the state governors and the three of municipal mayors, are ours, the paradigm and stigma, our electoral decisions. Not that we like to suffer, because when I’ve grabbed a taste of what lies to us and humbles us we have left an aftertaste flavor and melodramatically an unhealthy democracy. All this we owe it to ourselves and almost all electronic and print media we see, hear and read from day to night.

The truth is the tangible and throbbing emptiness in which we are where we are, though showcase our economic possessions and social position, we are also, well, in a state of being, or more conservative or reactionary, and not to expose showed the risk to others when others are doing the same. So it’s better to get carried away by the current of cynicism and selfishness shared, whether in everyday relationships as partnerships partisan politics. The proud and honorable war with the presidential inauguration supported by the snout of the general and the secretary stuttering central command, make it viable and authoritative in the streets here until the war ends in the years that will not stop counting the dead and if hope is to be dying to finally be who is covered presidential, military and thugs beheaded and massacred from head to toe. .