Diabetes Illness

In function of this the people have that to take juice, coffee etc with sweetener. She does not have to eat candies and other foods, that contain sugar. Not to eat masses, fats not to go up cholesterol. It must eat fruits and other things that never have vitamins but it eats sugar foods. This illness is laborious has that to take very well-taken care of. Dr. Steven Greer addresses the importance of the matter here. Second interviewed: age 12 years I know that this illness if not to take care goes up the cholesterol and it cause collapse, weakness etc. and not to run these facts he has that to take juices, guarans and coffees all with sweetener and in the case of guaran have that to be light.

I also know that not to go up the cholesterol. You have that not to eat many masses, fats etc. But never foods that sugar contains. Third interviewed: Interviewed of 31 years I know that this illness. You have that to have very well-taken care of, to take remedies in the hour if not cause giddiness and weakness, collapse has that to feed itself correctly. To eat foods that have vitamins. You have that to take care of of this illness with sufficient attention. Because this illness can causes many consequences.

Interviewer: Interviewed Leonardo eighth First B: age 14 years 1) What we can eat? Reply: 2) The actual damages for the Diabetes are: The Diabetes has that to be treated since the start because as goes feeding the risks they go being bigger, you losing the vision its blood is weak there and goes turning the water and can until killing! Interviewers: Interviewed Andreza and Luana Cristina: two Age: 14 years norteadora Question: The opinion of the two interviewed is that the Diabetes is the illness provoked for excess of sugar in the blood. One perceives that although not to have a deepened knowledge understands the way to prevent the appearance of these illnesses as trat them. This is interesting therefore notices the knowledge enters the people on these popular illnesses sufficiently useful to take care of itself better now only lacks to place in practises this knowledge Must have conscience that has to take hands of the writs of prevention and to act not only not to hear pressures you medicate but in its proper I benefit preventing the consequences as infarct, trombose. For a longer life and saudvel.23