Background Information For The Novice Writer

Background information for the novice writer of 'tsova Text size people, publishers, – are strange people. If you are a publisher spprosyat – what is your size of the book and you will bleat – 'aa This Well there were three notebooks and one blonkotik, seven hundred sheets so '- you just do not understand. Publishers have the size of the book is in copyright pages. Authors list – it's 40 thousand characters with spaces. Minimum size of text – 400 thousand characters, or 10 sheets.

So – these writers believe in the signs – it usvoyte as the multiplication table. Not in kb and not in the pages – vordovskih or handwritten. For those who do not know – now tell you how to find these signs. To do this, remove the panel statistics. In a Word for top bar click on View -> Toolbars -> statistics. And, being a sign of health. Just to say that 400 thousand – which is the minimum size for the Pocket. For hard cover necessary for at least 100 thousand characters more.

Hurry all originally your book will publish it in the Pocket, it's often – usually for the detectives. Fantasy is often printed in hard cover – it means here and the text should be more. So, about the size of like everything? Proceed to the second stage. built in text publishing! So you've written a book, survived size and now you want to publish it. Commendable! Then I just had to make a reservation.