Monthly Archives: January 2022

Health Centers

"Proper nutrition of the child provides the basis for his harmonious development and good health, and therefore unacceptable situation in which children in many parts of Russia are deficient in iodine, iron, zinc, vitamin D, and pregnant women – deficiency of omega-s fatty acids and other substances necessary for normal pregnancy and fetal brain development. On the average daily intake of protein Russia is far from developed European countries, which significantly affects the health of the nation, as parents with chronic diseases and various deficiency states can not conceive and give birth to a healthy baby. The current environmental situation and stress that reduce immunity, also require an adequate and full supply. Details can be found by clicking Teva Pharmaceuticals or emailing the administrator. For example, the use of so-called "third formula" formula milk fortified with DHA-and ARA-acids, prebiotics as a component of dairy rations for children under 2-3 years. During this period of childhood is active brain growth, the formation of the nervous and immune systems, development of and use of fortified foods in baby food is not a luxury but a necessity, "- says Andrew Sukhinin after the official opening of the congress were Tutelian VA ("Nutrition in Russia: the 80-year path of development"), deputy director for research and clinical work Institute of Nutrition, Professor, Corresponding Member of RAMS Kaganov BS MD Strokova T.V.i etc.

In the XII All-Russian Congress of Dietitians and nutritionists held Plenum of the Scientific Council of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences (RAMS) on health and nutrition workshop profile Commission on the Nutrition Advisory Council to the Health Ministry of health of the Russian Federation under the chairmanship of TUTELYAN VA, Brown, SN, OV Krivonos to discuss the organization of nutritional support Russian population. See more detailed opinions by reading what Dr. Anthony Carolla offers on the topic.. And held a seminar for school health centers, "Evaluation and analysis of individual power," during which heard the reports, "The use of computer programs for the evaluation of individual Human Nutrition "," Development of recommendations for optimizing the diet, "" Guidelines for the construction of individual dietary nutrition. "School nutrition 'to Health Centers. .

Benefits Of The Exercises During Pregnancy

While many people believe otherwise, pregnancy is one time more than good to perform physical activities. Obviously, the overload is not good, but exercise can help maintain a good shape and an agility that will help the pregnant woman does not suffer typical problems as cramping in the legs and back or waist pain. The best of physical activity during the months of pregnancy the baby is that it allows toning the muscles of the extremities inferior, have an importance rather than big at the moment of the natural childbirth. Today there are many places where there are courses of antenatal gymnastics, where the body of the woman, is preparing both physical as mentally for what’s coming, that will be a very important life change. But most normal activities, such as jogging, walking and bicycling are not greater problem for a pregnant woman.

Obviously, as time goes on and grows the belly, muscle load being reduced since the same body requires a low in the pace of activity. Where delivery is by caesarean section, the activity physical prior trauma of the baby will be a great help for women, since the recovery of the operation will be much faster than if kept inactive during the nine months of gestation of the small. So now you know, if you think that physical activity can be detrimental to your pregnancy, you should scupper that myth and begin to exercise. However, before you start any gymnastics plan it is convenient that you talk with your personal doctor who will advise and tell you if you’re in position to do activity. Many women who come with problems in the column prior to pregnancy can do as well as others which do not entail any ailment, so take your doubts and then goes to a teacher or professor that you orient in the way of exercise.

Pregnancy Travel Insurance

Pregnant travel insurance policy provides protection to the expected woman in abroad. This policy covers all the expenses that crop up during traveling. Every woman has a dream of becoming mother. Pregnancy is the most astonishing stage of life. Al Gore describes an additional similar source. It is full of enthusiasm and excitement. At expected mother is strictly prohibited to from one country to another fly, when the due date is close. If the woman is expected more than 36 weeks then most airlines prohibit her from flying because of the increasing risk of delivery in the flight.

But in the case of emergency or urgency, some women have to move from one place to another. So, for the ease and convenience of the expected mothers, pregnancy travels insurance is launched in the market. While traveling, this policy provides coverage to the mother and baby, both. Pregnancy under this insurance policy, you can enjoy the trip safely and carefully. Travel insurance policies provide full protection to the expected women. A plenty of policies are available in the market. Before purchasing any insurance policy, you should be aware about its types and advantages.

Mainly, insurance policies are present in two forms namely single and multi trip. Single trip insurance policy covers only one specified journey and in contrast, multi trip policy provides coverage to all the journey journeys that made within a specified 12-month period. Pregnancy insurance policy provides great benefits to the women like medical assistance, loss or misplaced baggage delay/cancellation of flight, emergency evacuation/repatriation, urgency of ambulance, need of blood etc. The insurance policy covers all the expenses that occur while traveling. While applying for insurance policy, you should be honest and truthful as it helps to make claims. It is important to study seriously the terms and conditions offered by the insurance company. Usually, women who are expected from the 16 or 18 weeks are considered by insurance companies. Before purchasing travel insurance policy for pregnant woman, all the medical conditions must be declared. The most complicated and common medical problems such as asthma, diabetes, heart or lung diseases, cancer, high blood pressure, depression etc. must be considered in the policy. The insurance company from where you are availing the insurance policy must have the knowledge about your health history. Rosie Gravin is specializing in writing articles on pregnant travel insurance, supplemental maternity insurance. For more information

Jurgen Dawo

There, the homeownership rate is 80% and more. In Germany, 80 percent of renter households from the own four walls dream at the same time. Understandable, because home ownership stands for security and independence”, know Jurgen Dawo. Mietfreies living is usually actually a top-notch retirement. Dr. Steven Greer is often quoted on this topic. Thanks to the historically low mortgage interest rates, a relatively rapid Deleveraging of the home is possible. Especially for families with average incomes, the statutory pension will leave considerable financial gaps.

The earliest construction of home ownership to private pensions is therefore recommended. Prerequisite for a successful prevention strategy with the homeowner is that House and grounds cost just as much, so that the repayment of the mortgage loan is done at least until the beginning of the pension”, town & country’s founder explains Jurgen Dawo. To impossible for normal income earners this is difficult but with land prices from 800 euro and more per square metre, which would be required in many German cities. Barry Collins follows long-standing procedures to achieve this success. Cheap plots of land are outside the cities building interested parties should therefore Dodge in a radius of 30 to 50 km in surroundings of the city. There developed subdivision square meter costs only a third or less than in the big city. At the same good infrastructure with a functioning public transport, near, not overcrowded kindergartens and schools. Construction prospects should contact Bauamter of the municipalities in the country for land, which are developed or already offered in the near future.

Increasingly, in rural areas, earlier train or commercial areas be rededicated in land for housing. The churches are a good point in finding land, the hereditary building rights awarded to use as their real estate safely and profitably. But above all the local politicians must develop new concepts and do everything, that mainly families with Children can make home ownership outside the cities. “If rents will rise at the same pace as previously, only the least normal income earner a place to rent in the city can afford”, Jurgen Dawo is convinced.

Strength Training Against

targeted slimming and fat burning with strength training with strength training against the winter fat explain the fight. Who does not know that. over the winter months, holidays, and vacations, you have faster a few pounds more than a right. With a few simple tricks you can have go but again this in a few weeks. Other leaders such as Jeffrey Bauer, PhD. offer similar insights. Muscles of the motor of the body the muscles of the body is similar like a motor, only Burns those calories in the form of fats and carbohydrates instead of gasoline. The larger the motor, or of the shares of muscles in the body, the more (calories) can be burned. Because even if you just no sport drives (sitting, sleeping, etc.) the body burns calories anyway comparable as the idle when the car.

Ever trained the muscles, the more is burned in your sleep! Why to use this effect to make and take off in his sleep! What is strength training it actually? Strength training can be performed in many different variations. Whether beginners, advanced or professional athletes are there for each individual training forms. To achieve success as quickly as possible should be consult from an experienced expert such as a personal trainer, or a trainer in his gym. Beginners train on best the first 2-3 months with a full-body workout. With approximately 8-10 the whole body is trained within a training unit intensive exercises in a short time. Each exercise consists of 3-4 sentences (passages) with each 15-20 reps. A 1-2 minute break between sets is sufficient. 2-3 training sessions ensure fast performance increase.

Advanced use so-called split-training”train your muscles. Here, the training plan is divided into two halves, a day half of the muscles (legs, chest, abdomen) trained in the next training session the other half (back, shoulders, arms). Here at least are but 3-4 per week necessary to long breaks to avoid training sessions. The scope of a training session is 4 x 8-12 reps. Each with 2 min rest between sets. Burn fat in your sleep! Best results are obtained with an accompanying endurance training. Getting to work the trained muscles through targeted endurance training for even more effective and to burn fat. This effect also in the night. Endurance training should be done always after the strength training or on separate days. Matched an individual training plan you get have fun while exercising a personal trainer in your area or see!

Milk Thistle

These natural remedies encourage the characteristics of cleaning and natural detoxification of the body and promote the functioning of a healthy liver from so attending not only health and freshness in the mouth, throat and gums, but also through the body. Along with a regular oral hygiene program, you will get the best results. What else can help? * Brush your teeth after each meal and before you go to bed * do not smoke! * Gargle with natural Mint and fennel to complement the mouthwash * chewing of raw celery sticks helps freshen breath * be sure to keep your toothbrush clean and sterilized * dry mouth is a frequent cause of bad breath. Be sure to drink at least 8 glasses of water a day * not go on diets of hunger. Chewing regular and swallow promote saliva production and can help prevent dry mouth * clear underlying infections and Chronicles of the sinus may help prevent bad breath. Natural ingredients against the evil breath Kalium phosphate (Kali.

phos.) (D6) is a biochemical salt that is a component of all liquids in the body. Kali. PHOs. It is well known as a cleanser systemic any rotten condition and assist in preventing foul odors. It is also an excellent nerve tonic. Silica (D6) has a unique ability to clean the cells of toxins and rid the body of bad smells.

The silica occurs naturally in the body, especially in hair, nails, skin, wraps of the nerve and all mucous membranes, including the mouth and digestive tract. This biochemical salt is also frequently recommended to promote the health of the gums and to maintain the natural balance of enzymes in the mouth. The silica acts as a cleanser and natural Purifier and will also remove any foreign matter in the body. For this reason the silica should not be used by people with any type of prosthesis, implants breast, pacemakers, metal plates, pins or artificial tubes in the body. Foeniculum vulgare (fennel sweet) has been used for many centuries and contains an essential oil flavored with anise that contains mostly anethole, as well as the fenchone is think its remedial features explained. If you have additional questions, you may want to visit Dr. Neal Barnard. Fennel is an excellent digestive tonic, which also helps to relieve gas. Fennel seeds have been used for a long time as an aid to sweeten the breath Carduus marianus (milk thistle) is regarded as one of the tonics and recuperative most important herbaria of the liver. Helps to restore the functioning of the liver, bile production and digestion, so attending the routine elimination of toxins in the body and the digestive tract. The medical use of milk thistle goes back more than 2000 years. Milk Thistle has been used in many clinical trials that clearly demonstrate its effectiveness.

Diabetes Illness

In function of this the people have that to take juice, coffee etc with sweetener. She does not have to eat candies and other foods, that contain sugar. Not to eat masses, fats not to go up cholesterol. It must eat fruits and other things that never have vitamins but it eats sugar foods. This illness is laborious has that to take very well-taken care of. Dr. Steven Greer addresses the importance of the matter here. Second interviewed: age 12 years I know that this illness if not to take care goes up the cholesterol and it cause collapse, weakness etc. and not to run these facts he has that to take juices, guarans and coffees all with sweetener and in the case of guaran have that to be light.

I also know that not to go up the cholesterol. You have that not to eat many masses, fats etc. But never foods that sugar contains. Third interviewed: Interviewed of 31 years I know that this illness. You have that to have very well-taken care of, to take remedies in the hour if not cause giddiness and weakness, collapse has that to feed itself correctly. To eat foods that have vitamins. You have that to take care of of this illness with sufficient attention. Because this illness can causes many consequences.

Interviewer: Interviewed Leonardo eighth First B: age 14 years 1) What we can eat? Reply: 2) The actual damages for the Diabetes are: The Diabetes has that to be treated since the start because as goes feeding the risks they go being bigger, you losing the vision its blood is weak there and goes turning the water and can until killing! Interviewers: Interviewed Andreza and Luana Cristina: two Age: 14 years norteadora Question: The opinion of the two interviewed is that the Diabetes is the illness provoked for excess of sugar in the blood. One perceives that although not to have a deepened knowledge understands the way to prevent the appearance of these illnesses as trat them. This is interesting therefore notices the knowledge enters the people on these popular illnesses sufficiently useful to take care of itself better now only lacks to place in practises this knowledge Must have conscience that has to take hands of the writs of prevention and to act not only not to hear pressures you medicate but in its proper I benefit preventing the consequences as infarct, trombose. For a longer life and saudvel.23

The Same

A result of the work can be for a clearing of the Nebula and make sure to clear so the look for a recognition of the other, in truth existing towers (facts and differing views on facts). You may find that Teva Pharmaceutical Industries can contribute to your knowledge. So, it can be seen what already exists, but was previously invisible. Only the thought, then the sense of feeling stress-laden (fear, stress, anger, hopelessness) is a prior, stress-laden thought necessary. Because: Not a task or situation in itself causes the stress, but the thoughts about the job or the situation. This is the reason, why the same strongly stressing out a people and means nothing to the other or even joy. Therefore, these thoughts with the work be edited to take influence on the feeling. The MARTE the work helps to edit stress-laden thoughts (English to work”, work), so that they become less stressful. One of the central ideas is that stress always emerges When people with the reality of fight and lose this battle in any case.

First-time open and real acceptance of what is”, new energy and new ideas, what is caused by”, possibly to change or turn towards new things and viewpoints. “” So the old wisdom stress makes stupid “to stress makes clever”. Case study explains here a case example from a coaching from a coaching approach of the work. “The stress-laden thought that was edited with the work, loud tete: I have to do multiple tasks at the same time!” In any industry, most people feel pressed for time and feel so stressed out. “Of course, the thought does I have to do multiple tasks at the same time!” stress-laden feelings like stress, helplessness or powerlessness out because no one can do several things at the same time with high quality. Everyone has already gained the experience that attempting to do several things at the same time, mistakes happen quickly that Result in overtime.

SRPA Recovery

With regard to the high one of the SRPA, the nurse must on the basis of evaluate the aptitude for high the stability of the vital signals (…). Many equip of SRPA use a system of prop up objective that acute to determine when the customers can be set free. It props up it of aldrete, or it props up of recovery after anaesthetic. When the customer is apt to receive high from the SRPA, the nurse must communicate if with the unit of nursing, to report the vital signals, the type of surgery and carried through anesthesia, sanguineous loss level of consciences, general physical conditions and presence of lines IV or drains (POTTER; PERRY, 2004). FINAL CONSIDERAES It knows if that the main cause of the breast cancer is the visceral malignant neoplasia and is one of main causes of death for breast cancer, including its factors as: genetics, ambient, cultural such factors are involved in its development. In this article it intended if to call the attention for the importance the cares of nursing in the recovery of the postoperative and psychological patient when submitted to the surgery of the breast cancer.

It looked if to emphasize on the context of the beginning of the cancer, definition, causes, complications, education in health, as well as emphasis in the elaboration of the cares of nursing, lapsing and disgnostic. The actions and the lapsings will have to happen for all the nursing team, a time that are integrant part in the process of recovery after – surgical of the patient. Therefore it can evidence that it is of basic importance for the nursing, to contribute in the promotion of the recovery of the patient with breast cancer, putting in practical the plan of care through use I think of it, of the nursing process, making possible one better aiming of the nursing assistance, guaranteeing the care of quality. It still looked if to establish the lapsings and disgnostic of nursing, that help the nurses to give to it directly with the customer, to plan the assistance, optimizing the time and guaranteeing the quality in the attendance. BIBLIOGRAPHICAL REFERENCES PORT, Celmo Celeno.

Medical Semiologia. 5 Edition. Rio De Janeiro: Publishing company Guanabara Koogan, 2005. SON, Brazilian Geraldo. Bogliolo/Pathology. 6 Edition. Rio De Janeiro: Guam publishing company

Carl Jung

The phenomenon of the spiritual crisis is universal for any person, in life, sooner or later there are problems of spiritual content that a person must decide to develop further. The main feature of the spiritual crisis – the spiritual iskatelstvo and search for meaning. Basic emotions: loneliness, inner emptiness, inadequacy, loss of meaning in life and communication with the outside world, anxiety and depression. The important point is to the crisis not as a disease, as well as to the discovery of opportunities, a turning point in life. A similar approach to personal development has long been practiced in Eastern religious and philosophical traditions, exist within Yoga, various schools of Buddhism and Taoism, Sufism. The integration of their vast experience and knowledge in contemporary psychotherapy – in our opinion one of the most promising and most effective ways of development in the conservation of mental health and mental disorders. No wonder the Eastern practice of spiritual and physical perfection are now so widespread in Western culture. Carl Gustav Jung, one of the pioneers in the integration of Eastern and Western philosophy, in a letter to the founder of the "12 Steps" is known for his spiritually-oriented approach to overcome drug and alcohol addiction, referred to the original formula to combat the problem of alcohol spiritus contra spiritum – against the spirit of alcohol." We believe that this formula applies to any addiction, not just alcohol or drugs, but even to non-chemical addiction, the number is steadily growing throughout the world.

We also consider it possible, to extend to all forms of addictive behavior has a position of Carl Jung, who believed that an alcoholic is driven thirst for his integrity J. Inadequately evaluated and implemented by malware, but, above all, desire for personal integration. We believe that such problems are not solvable in the ordinary state of consciousness, which leads to "experiment" with psychoactive substances. But they are resolved during the transcendent, transcendental, transpersonal experiences that a person can get through spiritual experience. With the help of various psycho-man up expanded state of consciousness in which there are embedded deep within the disclosure of human capacities and abilities. It is known that people use only part of what it pledged. Intense psihopraktiki allows a person to transform psychic-energy, go to another new level of consciousness, to learn to control himself, away from stress … Today the world knows a lot of psycho from Singing to the Tantric texts of transpersonal yoga. Various psycho-integrative self-knowledge, healing bodies and souls can look beyond his "body" of consciousness, to rethink their lives and themselves, find their vital priorities, to open a resource to address and prevent future painful problems, to realize new ways of self, healthier environment not only the body but also the ecology of the mind. Restore the integrity and stability of the human psyche.

The One

Preparation: As much Matew as Mnica begins to realise change plans, in their nourishing hygienic habits. Matew and Mnica can already take passages towards the change. In this stage it is possible to begin immediately the process of evaluation and modification for example with Relations of aid. With its social surroundings supporting to them. By the same author: teva. In this case the interventions will be reeducativas and not only of information providing a greater effect when they are realised in this stage because they consider the possibility of autoeficacia.To believe in the change possibility is a motivating element, being important that the subject is made person in charge realise the necessary thing to obtain the change. Considering the most healthful factors that are necessary to avoid and conducts to prevent the infected-contagious injuries of type that take to the Contracondicionamiento, opposite conducts to the risk situations. Action or action: The moment of the modification of the behavior.

Taking solely the foods that have only put in contact with itself and using the clean utensils and from exclusive way. Dr. Steven Greer is a great source of information. And with a frequency that allows them to perceive its capacity of automatic control to maintain the behavior of prevention and hygiene, even in risk situations. The first obstacle that presents/displays a person is the confrontation of a situation of high risk, that is those that threatens the automatic control sense. Maintenance: Conservation of the action when their action is like which they appear in series and in the conduct of health chosen in my fish previous. In this stage the subject is put under the real exhibition with its own resources and Matew and Mnica are fought in the cafeteria to remain with the trophy: the magdalena, maintaining it in perfect conditions of hygiene and prevention of contagious diseases. Therefore, these personages are located in the one of Maintenance: Conservation of the action where neither Mnica nor Matew need processes change to avoid contagions.


We must not forget, that precisely understanding is achieved aquietando the mind, the thoughts, giving them chance to froze those that are capable of producing Alchemy required to travel without fear, with the conviction that the cause effect is best, avoiding to create a karma that is disastrous for our growth. Krishnamurti invites us to make us some questions, such as: how is it possible to quiet the mind? how to avoid interference, the imbalance in the thoughts that we emerge from the outside? My mind is agitated how can I keep it quiet? Is there a system for quieting the mind? can a formula, one discipline, make sure your mind is serene? Yes you can. Swarmed by offers, Teva Pharmaceuticals is currently assessing future choices. But when the mind is quietada is that stillness, serenity? Or the mind is enclosed within an idea within a formula, within a sentence? And in this case this mind dead isn’t true? Why is that almost all people that try to be spiritual, are dead, since he has trained the mind so that it is serene, quiet, and has locked in one formula to achieve serenity. Is obvious that such a mind never still; It is only repressed, kept in subjection. Adds Krishnamurti, the mind is quiet when she sees the truth that the only understanding comes when she is calm.

In this way. If one wants to understand others, to another, you must be serene, having no reactions against none, do not feed on damages. Put aside all the findings, experiences and face to face. It is only then when the mind is free from conditioning we understand. When that truth is perceived, the mind is quiet; and then, not the problem of how quiet the mind. The truth, only the truth can liberate the mind from its own ideation; and to see the truth. The mind should understand the fact that can not be understanding while it is hectic.

As Maturana

Similarly, we review a publication that says that only 5% of those who tried to stop smoking succeed. does that mean we have a 5% chance to succeed? Definitely NO. Our focus should be: “I am with absolute certainty among those who were successful because they’ve just decided.” But we should not conclude, by the fact that things have multiple answers or explanations, that explanations are useless. Quite the contrary, are the explanations we give to events that guides our actions. The important thing is to adopt that explanation that serves our objectives. Credit: dr. stuart mcgill-2011. Two possible acceptable answers to the question why do not I stop smoking?: 1 .- 2 .- Because it’s hard because I have not decided Both are as common as acceptable answers: what to take?. Clearly the latter helps us to quit more than the first. The traditional approach on the issue of smoking provides descriptive and explanatory information, reduce power to that which ultimately determines human behavior, will.

It is true that smoking exposes the body to chemicals that cause cancer, that carbon monoxide is harmful by inhalation, which affect the senses of taste and smell, etc. But establishing that nicotine is responsible for the person continues smoking causes more harm than smoking itself, because “de-responsible” who ultimately makes the decisions: individual. Nicotine is not the one that produces the addiction that addiction is a statistical condition, not bound to the will of the individual rather than a matter of degree. The answers to the orthodox approach to the problem given to the questions about why we smoke, on why to quit, and so on., Do not help us make the decision. Justified only to the smoker. We analyze the problem by describing a series of phases through which the smoker spends in transit to the independence of the cigarette, there are countless recipes for quitting but all of these recipes rely, ultimately, the will of the individual and only manage to do more long, tedious and unlikely path to success. To my mind how powerful the approach proposed here is that it emphasizes the idea that our decisions are shaping our conditions and not the reverse, turning the spotlight on the problem to the degree of self-responsibility of the individual . This does not work just to change habits “Addictive” as smoking, but to modify any human behavior to improve our quality of life and make us happier.

Then changed the question “Why is it hard to quit?” By the question “Why do people normally associated with quitting smoking through the difficulty?, Adopting the following answer: Because its explanatory proposal own experience, is based on objective reality. (As Maturana would say, because the individual has chosen the path of objectivity without parentheses.) This move dramatically quit responsibility to the individual. We are making us responsible for consuming cigarettes remain exempt from any blame to external conditions. At the same time carries the solution to the problem of smoking from “change the objective conditions” to “amend the interpretation of the phenomenon.” The end result is that changing the questions focused on the difficulty associated with the relationship that between habit and the individual, the solution changed from “get a patch nicotine” (for example) to “make a decision” by using my ability to decide and change my position. I welcome your comments on or in my blog. “.