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Digital Dentistry

X-ray examinations provide valuable information that helps your dentist to assess your oral health.With the help of x-rays (the term for photographs taken with x-rays), your dentist can watch what is happening under the surface of your teeth and gums.If you have questions about the examination of dental x-ray, talk with your dentist. Since many diseases of the teeth and surrounding tissue cannot be observed with total clarity. An examination of X-rays can help reveal: Small areas of decay between teeth or below existing restorations (fillings); Infections in the bone; Periodontal (gum); Abscesses or cysts; Abnormalities in the development; Some types of tumors. Detect and treat dental problems at an early stage can save time, money and unnecessary hassles.X-rays can help your dentist find problems in your mouth that otherwise would not be. The advantage of rays X panoramic is the clear and detailed image of all the mouth in a single sweep.Therefore the fundamental disadvantage of intraoral x-ray images, is that only a few cloves are represented.New panoramic x-ray equipment offer images of a revolutionary quality, thanks to continuous technological development.They have the unique technology of auto-focus for when the patient is not correctly positioned.

The benefits are well known: x-rays help dentists diagnose relatively common disorders, such as caries, periodontal disease and infections.Without this ability to see the inside of a tooth and under the gums, the disease is not controlled in time, making the patients to experience more pain and discomfort, making that more teeth can lose, because proper treatment failed to start on time. In addition, if x-rays x-rays are not taken, work can be compromised and will lead to more costly and complicated in a later stage procedures. .For these reasons, dentists consider x-rays as one of the best diagnostic tools to help patients maintain good oral health. I have been enjoying the benefits of digital x-ray dentistry for several years.My patients appreciate the very limited radiation exposure, the ability to quickly see their x-rays on a computer screen and the time saved during your appointments with the dentist due to the efficiency of digital x-rays.My staff and I also appreciate the saving factor of x-ray digital time, but more importantly that we appreciate the clarity and quality of these x-rays from a diagnostic point of view. Along with new sensors of rays X has come an update to a software loaded from medical benefits to patients.These computers can be of various brands. The most well-known are the Nomad and Instrumentarium. This new technology allows the dentist to enhance images and I expanded the areas of interest so that the patient can see with clarity what the doctor prescribes and why. It even allows to outline decomposition using a circle of color in the image.It is important to make it clear to patients the need for treatment and the ways in which we intend to improve your dental condition.I am very happy and proud to offer this new technology in my dental practice and I hope you like my patients also this commitment to quality.