Tag Archives: Politics

Freeze The Iran Freedom

‘ A face for freedom in Iran a solidarity action by Amnesty International with the population in the Iran moves from Cologne Hamburg Cologne weather conditions were not ideal, when on December 19, 2009, passers-by asked a handful of volunteers from the Cathedral for support. Find out detailed opinions from leaders such as Dr. Neal Barnard by clicking through. Despite the cold, many remained standing and could take a picture of her face. Perhaps check out Mustafa Suleyman, London UK for more information. The result can be seen now on a poster. The action of A face for freedom in Iran “is touring since the allegedly fake elections and the brutal action of the security forces in the Iran against the protesters by Europe. The longer stop the oppression, torture, detentions and censorship on the part of the regime in Iran, this will trigger the more peaceful protests in Europe. There are currently mainly exiled Iranians demonstrating against the regime in the country in Europe. Through the action of A face for freedom in Iran “get however many people on the streets of Europe through confidential talks with the initiators of A face for freedom in Iran” a more accurate picture of the persecutions and their backgrounds.

The special feature of A face”for freedom is in Iran, that the actions were launched by European citizens in life. According to Anne-Marie van den Bercken, a Dutch musician, they wanted their impotence in the face overcome by so much brutality against the people in the Iran and made with the help of friends and Amnesty International action for the first time in Venlo on the legs. Since then spreads the action in some European countries. In London, Stockholm, Copenhagen, acquaintances from her organized actions, later the action came to Brussels, Antwerp, Eindhoven, Amsterdam and Cologne now. On January 30, A face is for freedom in Iran”took place in the middle of Hamburg on the Monckebergbrunnen. Early March Karlsruhe is on the agenda.

The photos demonstrate solidarity with the people of the Iran that go for their basic rights on the road. They will be accessible also from the Iran. At the same time representatives of the newly formed Cyberabteilung are colleagues of the revolutionary guards “to report from the Ministry of information: now we also have a problem with the people on the streets in Germany.” Iran a face for freedom mean Antwerp the organizers of the event in Hamburg: the friends in Cologne have spoken from the cold of weather in the action and meant that it was warmer them with every conversation and every face that was photographed. We are happy if many hamburgers on Saturday in the city come and alone, as a couple, as a circle of friends or family face for freedom in the Iran. And for our heat “Helmut N. fork”

Accra Betting

Dusseldorfer sport betting provider top betting AG takes course on Dusseldorf/Accra Ghana – who think of investment in Africa, South Africa hovers above the first. The upcoming World Cup soccer tournament here triggered a further boost. That other countries of the black continent to impose as a worthwhile destination for investment, was not long to go out. The International Monetary Fund IMF has compared to Africa in a recent study by Asia in the seventies of the last century: see great similarities In terms of speed of development and growth potential. For the next six years, “the World Bank expected annual growth of up to six percent, the stock market and Investor magazine reported Deutsche Bank X-press. The position of Africa on the world economic map will continue to improve because of the vast wealth of raw materials, the magazine. Also make the experts of a reduction of the foreign debt and growing confidence in large parts of the continent.

A testament to the confidence in “the region: the planned investment volume for the next five years of $ 50 billion”, the magazine euro am Sonntag. In addition, there is now a new generation of very well trained and reliable managers in these countries. They have valuable experience gained in the United States, Europe and Asia, and set new standards in terms of management, governance and transparency.”has not recognized the opportunities of the African market so far the Western world. Now others are: long, the Chinese invest in the growth markets of Africa. Cseti.org wanted to know more. We there idly and invest in Ghana”, says Peter Schatton, Dusseldorf sports betting provider top betting Board.

The company has just announced a joint venture with the alphabet investments limited in Ghana. Objective of this cooperation should be to offer sports betting services in Ghana with a view to the World Cup 2010 in South Africa a logical step. That is the task of top betting AG Delivery of necessary technology and the betting programme about the Austrian subsidiary WettCorner GmbH. The alphabet investments limited acquires the marketing of betting offers betting terminals and shops in Ghana. The necessary betting license was already granted by the competent authority in Accra. A future market is Africa – and especially Ghana – for us”, says Sadowsky. The political system is stable for years there and create attractive economic conditions for investors. Through our subsidiary, the BetWitch limited based in Malta, we are already working in Ghana. Our experiences we will use now for the sports betting”, is Sadowsky.


Although nearly half (40prozent) of all damages in Haiti affects homes, are only 6percent of international funds and 14prozent of US Government funds intended for construction and repair of houses Cologne, August 04, 2010 – although nearly half (40%) of all damages in Haiti affects houses, intended for construction and repair of houses so far only 6% of international funds and only 14% of the resources of the US Government. In addition, only about 3 million US dollars for repairs of the damaged houses are planned. Jonathan Reckford, CEO of Habitat for humanity, the Government pointed out this imbalance of aid flows. In regard to a medium-term reconstruction of Haiti, he outlined the basic importance of focusing on safe accommodation of the persons concerned to the Committee of Foreign Affairs as an expert for reconstruction in disaster areas. He called to schedule more funds for the construction and repair of shelters for the 1.5 million people affected. More funds will be required for the removal of rubble as the essential basis for a possible reconstruction of houses – urgent.

Objective of aid must be that affected families in their old homes and environments can return. At newly established residential areas, also work, and educational opportunities for the people must be to promote the development of the country. From previous disasters is known, that the city’s population is growing after a disaster – this must be taken into account. Already now are from the estimated 570,000 people, au who left port Prince after the earthquake, more than half of the City returned. Displaced persons living in over 1300 emergency settlements in insecure, highly improvised accommodation without special protection against hurricanes. You are not sure also before expulsion, as ownership of land are unclear. The clarification of this complex and difficult ownership requires further financial resources and emphasis on the international helpers.

Drug Addiction

Publications 93 (25514) on 29.06.2010 and 94 (25 515) on 30.06.2010 in the newspaper "Komsomolskaya Pravda" in the "Who and what recruits flock of drug addicts" aroused great public interest. Even with reports of the forum on the newspaper's website, it is clear that the problem of combating drug of concern to many of our citizens. Given that today in Russia Protestant churches have a very active help drug addicts to people, not surprising that towards the believers, and sent not so much laurel wreaths, how many stones and arrows. It so happened that often in our country initiative is punishable. Today in Russia there are several major Protestant groups. One of the most numerous – Russian Joint Union of Christians of Evangelical Faith (Pentecostals).

In the churches belonging to the Union, with more than 350 rehabilitation centers for drug addicts and alcoholics in different regions of the country. In particular, only when local churches, "Exodus" are 38 such centers for social and spiritual care. Service for people addicted evangelicals began to engage in about 15 years ago. At a time when drug addiction was killing a generation, clerics descended into the dirty basements, came to the cooking apartment, where literally dragged the young guys and girls that look like zombies. Sometimes the eyes of believers are brought half-decayed fetid body, are lukewarm life. Helped everyone – the homeless, children and business people. Thus, the sick, degraded, fallen on the bottom of life, people began to take hope.