Tag Archives: environment

Biological Sciences

You already stopped to think on the Global Heating? Every day we follow in the media climatic catastrophes and the changes that are occurring, quickly, in the world-wide climate. In recent years the changes are happening of fast form very and with effect devastadores. The global Heating is a climatic phenomenon of wide extension, an increase of the global superficial average temperature. The Land receives radiation emitted for the Sun and returns great part of it for the space through heat radiation. The atmospheric pollutants are holding back a part of this radiation that would be reflected for the space, in normal conditions. This restrained part cause an important increase of the globe temperature.

Factors as the intensive and increasing use of energies you did not renew, as the mineral coal and the oil, also the use of the CFC (chlorine/fluorine/carbon). The CFC and its chemistries of substitution are used in refrigerators, conditional air systems, foam, aerosols, equipment against solvent fires and. Consequences of the global heating: The increase of the level of the oceans: with the increase of the temperature in the world, it is provoking the melting of calotas polar. When increasing the water level of the oceans, can occur, future, the submersion of many littoral cities; Growth and sprouting of deserts: the increase of the temperature provokes the death of some animal and vegetal species, unbalancing some ecosystems; Hurricane increase, tufes and cyclones: the increase of the temperature makes with that bigger evaporation of waters of the oceans occurs, potencializando these types of climatic catastrophes; The difference of temperature in regions that presented ameno climate: in the current days heat waves occur. Being that thousands of people will go to suffer with the food and water lack, as consequence of the alterations of the climate. Of its attitudes the future of the Planet and the new generations will result. Robert E. Rubin might disagree with that approach. It makes its part, the hour to start is now! Vanessa Minuzzi Bidinoto, Academic of IX the Semester of Biological Sciences of the URI – Santiago-RS Campus.

Brazilian Ambient

PROJECT MODEL PHARMACY AMBIENT POINT For Rodrigo Dallacosta 17/03/2011 rodrigo.ambientalista@ yahoo.com.br SUMMARY the project pharmacy ambient point, is a new and innovative project in the area of the environment, and is in makes of development for some pupils of the course of technology in ambient management of the city of Joaaba – SC, in partnership with local pharmacies and secretariat of the environment, with the objective to take care of or to minimize an ambient problem little known by the population, that is the medicine discarding, that the consumers possess in its residences, and does not know what to make or where to discard, when not more necessary for them or when such medicines already if collision with the exceeded stated period of validity. INTRODUCTION the medicines in general are manufactured from chemical sustncias of the most diverse categories, and are beneficial our health, but extremely harmful to the environment, exactly for containing such it substantiates chemistries that in direct contact with the nature, poluem the ground immediately afterwards and freticos sheets, rivers and lakes. The Brazilian population as well as the one of the remaining portion of the world, consuming is exaggerated of medicines and many times until compulsory, what it inside causes a great amount of medicines gifts of our homes. The ambient problem hidden by behind of it I pparently inhabit harmless for the health human being who is the consumption exaggerated or unnecessary of medicines, is related exactly with the discarding of these domiciliary medicines, when not more necessary for us or when same if the collision with the exceeded stated period of validity. Normally what we are accustomed to make when this occurs, it is together with to discard them our domiciliary garbage, that immediately afterwards is collected and carried to the lixes or sanitary, spread aterros in the cities, and is at this moment that occurs a serious problem of ambient impact, impact this that we aim at through our project to minimize the consequences, therefore to maximize the ratios and to make a estimate of how much of medicine is discarded in the environment in one day, month or year, in a country of the size of Brazil, consequentemente we will have some tons of chemical and extremely toxic products, poured in our ground and hidrogrficas basins, harming the quality of the water, fauna and aquatic flora and the proper population.