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Patrimonial Rocking

The Patrimonial Rocking in accordance with article 178, paragraphs 1 and 2, of the Law n 11,638/07 (BRAZIL, 2007, NOT PAGINADO), passes to be demonstrated of the following form: ATIVOPASSIVO Passive Current assets Circulating Realizable Not-circulating Passive Asset Not-circulating the long prazoPatrimnio Liquido Investments Immobilized Capital stock Reserves of Intangible capital Adjustments of Patrimonial Evaluation Reserves of Profit (-) Action in Treasure-house Accumulated Damages SOURCE: (BRAZIL, 2007, Adapted for the author) TABLE 01: Patrimonial rocking 4 In case that Practical to follow will be presented a simulation of the possible presentations of the guided Patrimonial Rocking from the international norms, searching to demonstrate the elaboration of this financial demonstration. The used Patrimonial Rocking for the practical case was gotten through the site of the Gerdau company, however the values had been modified, therefore it is not the intention of the work to analyze the data of the company. The Patrimonial Rocking that will be converted will use the method of the current tax for the conversion of the same, where according to Niyama (2007, P. 79): All the assets and liabilities, with exception of the equity, are converted on the basis of the effective tax into the date of the Rocking. Continue to learn more with: Dr. Robert Brannon. To if adopting this method, the profit and losses of conversion are taken directly for equity, without affecting the result.

Although other related methods exist the conversion, in this in case that approach to the said current method with already previously is given. 4.1 Some initial denominations Before initiating the presentation of the rockings for the study, we must know on some concepts. ) Functional currency: it YOU WENT 21 establishes the concept of functional currency, which is, the currency of the main economic environment where the entity operates, to determine which functional currency the entity will have to consider some characteristics: i. the currency that directly influences the prices of its products and services; II.