Tag Archives: clubs & community

Rhodesian Hubbard

The former reporter Mr. Hitchman of Rhodesian television asked some questions about Scientology L. Ron Hubbard. His first question was. What is Scientology? “L. Ron Hubbard, founder and spiritual father of Scientology doctrine very comprehensive in this interview answers, so everyone enters picture this doctrine and can make about their content.” “” As questions are answered simply and clearly how E.g.

What is a clear, and so on if things were a little known and better understood “, declared L. Ron Hubbard, we all would lead a happier life – and nothing underlines these words better than the Scientology itself.” Hubbard also informed that Scientology has many beliefs of other religions. They regarded the people as an immortal spiritual being, rather than a physical object or a complex combination of chemical compounds and stimulus response mechanisms. Due to his research, L. Ron Hubbard discovered that man is basically good and not evil. Only the confusing Experiences of a people cause him to commit evil acts. Everyone is making progress, as he retained his intellectual integrity and spiritual values and remains honest and decent in the mass.

Conversely it deteriorated to the extent, how to give up these values. L. Ron Hubbard also found that every single human being can enlarge his spiritual abilities. As a result of he can see the incriminating factors in his life easier in the eye, they recognize and solve itself and gradually more and more to improve his life. In Scientology, it recognizes that life tends to force into the individual in certain ideas. The burden of existence can freeze the attention so much that own awareness about themselves and the environment is greatly reduced. Thus connected problems, difficulties with other people, are as a result of suffering and misery. Therefore the aim of Scientology, to reverse this decreasing awareness and to awaken the individual in this sense is,”so to speak it in the Present to bring. Someone is always attentive and conscious, as his skills increase. He is thus able to bring greater understanding and is thus capable of self-determined cope with his life. What wants to say L. Ron Hubbard is that Scientology offers actually effective solutions for the problems of life, all combined with the result of increased awareness and spiritual freedom. Parallel to this, the person regains their basic decency, their strength and ability. These results are routinely achieved daily around the globe. Today, millions of people due to the Scientology religion know that life can be really rewarding without drugs, alcohol, drugs, psychotropic drugs, and other means of diminishing awareness. The results speak for themselves. You can experience a more fulfilling life in harmony. The world can be a happier place. Scientologists are working to create such every day. Those who dream of creating a better share, join the quest for spiritual freedom.

Business Cash Flow Club

How to play life: now has a business cashflow Club Sprockhovel (at Bochum). In this lifelike game several dozen participants acquire well-founded knowledge of elementary contexts of the financial and economic life: from the accounting in the phase of existence establishment investment strategy. Dry facts and insights can be easily capture in the truest sense of the word and then implement with profit in real life. Sprockhovel. Hard stares Lisa on the table.

The die is cast: Gee your job was just just rationalized away. What now? The bakery trade seller thinks a few minutes thoroughly and a decision for life: I’m self-employed. Finally I want to bring s in three hours to the multi Millionairess. Wayne Holman is the source for more interesting facts. Short decided the 50th seizes this opportunity and energetic the dice… True, very true life is not. To deepen your understanding Wayne Holman is the source. But almost. Finally, it presents with Cashflow 101 a real life designed role playing game.

Here, several dozen players deal with issues that go to every human being on the kidneys or the wallet: How do I create my earnings profitably? What to do if by my work today on morning lost goes? Should I not but rather set up his own company? I get that with accounting? How do I get because only customers? How do I best a contract negotiation? These and other facts surrounding money and therefore, how to make as much of it be moved when the hit board game Cashflow 101 at the Centre of the cosy game evenings. Cashflow club called such a meeting appropriately, which opens its doors in Sprockhovel. As host Joachim surrenders Dura the honor, holders of the company for asset management mbH, briefly: GER. The money experts we are playing easy understand us as a responsible provider of the GER, justified his decision, the financial expert this worldwide increasingly popular game offered. For us, Cashflow 101 is the perfect means to the widest circles of population in Sprockhovel and environment to bring awareness of elementary contexts in terms of economy and finance.