Monthly Archives: October 2020

The Disease

Consciousness is usually preserved, although the general condition Patients can be very heavy. Some patients expressed meningeal phenomena, general hyperesthesia of the skin, increased tendon reflexes (difficult differential diagnosis of meningitis). Heavy state, the heat last about 7 days. Then the temperature drops to a critically subnormal numbers (sometimes preceded by a pre-crisis drop in temperature increase it), accompanied by profuse sweat, and sometimes the phenomena of collapse. In the following days the patient gradually recovered strength, disappear headache and muscle pain, there is an appetite. Tachycardia followed by bradycardia, liver and spleen reduced. The patient feels perfectly healthy, insists on the list. However, after 6-15 days (mean 7 days) of relative prosperity and suddenly starts 2nd bout of illness, fever with chills again increases up to.

high numbers, once again repeated the whole picture of the disease. The second attack is shorter than the first, it usually lasts 4-5 days. In the following may be febrile seizures 3-4-5, with each succeeding is shorter and the period apyrexia longer. More often. Is 2 attack, at least 1 and 3 and very rare – (4-5 episodes. Changes in the blood as a fever, and in the period apyrexia. In a feverish period of more frequent leukocytosis, aneozinofiliya, neutrophilia with a shift to the left, is rooted ROE (up to 49-60 mm / h).

In the period apyrexia: leukopenia, lymphocytosis, there are eosinophils, erythrocyte sedimentation rate is somewhat reduced, but still remains fast. Complications: enterocolitis, eye diseases, pneumonia, arthritis, very rarely – paratyphoid fever, splenic rupture. The diagnosis of relapsing fever during the first attack can be made on the basis of acute onset, enduring high temperature (over 6-8 days), the presence of muscle pain, especially in the calf muscles, skin and sclera subikterichnosti, an early increase in liver and spleen. Leukocytosis, neutrophilia with a shift to the left and aneozinofiliya, as well as accelerated ESR are auxiliary moments in the diagnosis of relapsing fever.