Monthly Archives: June 2014

Buildings Spleen Vessels

In the literature available to us, we have not seen data on age-related changes and tectonic peculiarities of arterial spleen at different ages. Objective: to study age-related features architectonics of the spleen, as well as the capacity of the arterial bed is normal. When using X-ray method studied 19 postmortem radiographs spleen. Injection of blood vessels is carried out using lead carbonate by the method of PA Sokolov (1940-1957gg) at a ratio of 1:1 and 1:2 ingredients. As the contrast material was used as red lead, and the injection of spleen vessels infants and young children – Lead white, diluted with ether or benzene. In the analysis of postmortem angiography spleen revealed that the newborn is normal all parts of the arterial bed, including the pulp artery, uniformly filled with contrast agent. With increasing age of the child to the elderly significantly increases the diameter of the branches of the splenic artery 1 – 5 orders of magnitude. In old age, compared with the elderly, found significantly a slight decrease in diameter as the main trunk of the splenic artery and its branches 1 – 5 orders of magnitude.

Changing the diameter of trabecular and central arteries spleen with increasing age we found. Y newborn and early childhood in most cases a main branch of splenic artery type. In the infancy of the branches of 2nd order branch depart smaller than in the newborn. In these age periods have been identified malososudistye zone between the two forks adjacent secondary branches. In adolescence revealed elongation intraorganic branches of the splenic artery. Spleen appearance of marginal zone malososudistoy. In humans, elderly, and centenarians in vascular pattern on the periphery of the spleen becomes more rare, by reducing the diameter of the arteries intraorganic. At the same time an increase in the number and size malososudistyh zones as edge and in the basins of the branches of 23rd order. In some cases, there is an uneven staining intraorganic vessels spleen. Thus, the architectonic features intraorgannyh vessels of the spleen in age aspect related mainly to changes in quantitative characteristics, whereas in the study of blood diseases are prevalent qualitative changes. Surgery