Monthly Archives: June 2013


The cephalometry is a fundamental study to be performed by professionals for orthodontic treatments. The same diagnosis is indispensable in order to assess the treatment plan to perform, and thus give the patient a good orientation on the same. In this type of study, you can observe the causes of skeletal pathologies and dysfunctions as scissor bite, bites open; Since the results cefalometicos will give us a diagnosis of mandibular skeleton of the patient. It is the procedure by which a facial abnormality is identified. In orthodontics, the diagnosis is the basis for any therapeutic decision. A correct diagnosis requires varied elements, organized and studied will lead us to deliver the best treatment to our patients. A proper study of the cephalograms defines the type of profile of each patient. With ell, we define the type of facial pattern and also tooth pattern.

This is the basis for the realization and treatment planning. Therefore the x-ray cephalometric within orthodontics is the most important part of the diagnosis. What data does the cranial measurement studies? When a study is made of such a patient for any dental treatment, is watching with the study the harmony of the face, profile, the anatomy of the facial skeleton, etc. And with all these data, it is much easier and more practical to make a treatment plan, which will include not only retail therapy in itself, but which may also modify facial aesthetics in general. The analysis of this study of the skull gives us an exhaustive study of the profile of the patient that can be characterized in 3 different types profile Brachycephalic: mandibular angle is almost straight, and therefore used more strength for chewing. The masseter muscle is wider than usual, which gives the face a compressed appearance. Dolicocephalic profile: Facial heights are increased and the face seems rather elongated. Has more easily for Chew since mandibular angle is increased.

Mesocefalo profile: Is the profile that should have a patient who does not need any orthodontic treatment, since the angle and chewing are absolutely normal. The vast majority of professionals who are dedicated to orthodontics patient requested that this study be undertaken, but not many of the dentists know interpret it correctly. And no, just ask the cephalometry to avoid later problems with respect to malpractice. What many professionals do not consider in any type of treatment plan, is that you there are different specific pathologies needing a plan, that if not carried out at the time, then it will be an irreversible case, both for the dentist and the patient. Of course, at present, different types of cephalograms, from the most common ones that give only a general response, where the result will be more generic, as advanced in which more specific patient data are obtained. Why is the a professional who must recommend the place where this study, based on the needs you may have will be practiced.

High Blood Pressure

High blood pressure, also called hypertension, is the blood pressure in the blood vessels that is consistently higher than normal. Blood pressure is measured in domestic animals if an underlying illness is suspected, if the animal is more than nine years, or if you have problems of vision or blindness. A careful physical exam, which includes checking the heart, nervous system and kidneys along with a complete medical history will be made. Measures are in a similar way to humans, in the front leg of the animal, or sometimes tail. What causes high blood pressure? It occurs as a result of narrow arteries and various underlying diseases such as chronic renal failure, hypertension, hyperthyroidism, Cushing, diabetes, polycythemia, glomerular disease disease or chronic renal, which can also contribute to high blood pressure is missing. Common symptoms and signs that indicate that your dog or cat can have high blood pressure includes blindness, pupils dilated, swollen kidneys, disorientation, weakness on one side of the body and legs, seizures, gland of palpable thyroid, blood or protein in the urine, murmurs of the heart or high blood pressure. It affects dogs and cats.

To maintain the health of your pet, you should check your blood pressure regularly by your veterinarian. If high blood pressure is caused by an underlying disease and untreated, the heart, the kidneys, the nervous system and eyes may be affected. Diagnosis of stress high blood a standard blood-pressure measuring instrument is used to check the pressure. Blood pressure in animals is measured from three different arterial systolic, diastolic medium and medium between them. The normal blood pressure of a dog or a cat generally depends on the breed and the age of the animal. For dogs, the normal blood pressure reading is 147 / 83 mm Hg while that in cats is 160 / 100 mm Hg.

Pets come to excite very often when your blood pressure should be measured and an inaccurate reading is taken. As a result, your veterinarian can do that they are repeated blood pressure measurements to confirm the diagnosis. Additional tests such as x-rays, blood test or ultrasound may be also ordered to determine the underlying cause of hypertension. Help for high blood pressure your veterinarian will prescribe medications such as beta blocker or blocker of calcium channels to treat high blood pressure. In the case that blood pressure is extremely high, hospitalization may be required. Certain changes in the way of life for your pet can be recommended and these include a diet low in sodium and a weight loss program. Holistic and natural remedies natural treatments have proven to be highly effective in balancing the blood pressure in beings humans and domestic animals. Treatments such as herbal remedies and homeopathic remedies can support safely and effectively the total health and well-being of your pet. Herbal and homeopathic ingredients such as Crateagus oxycantha (Hawthorn), Arnica montana, Kalium phosphate and Calcium fluoride containing cardiotonic properties, they support a healthy blood pressure, the health of the heart and nervous system.