Monthly Archives: January 2013

Pets And Plants: In Summer Can Not Stay Alone

C.RIZZO / every year around this time, many Spaniards will pose the same questions: what do we do with plants?, where I leave my pet? In Madrid there is a hotel to host our plants during the holidays. Plants and pets face in summer to one of their worst moments of the year: holidays. If we do not have the collaboration of a family member or a trusted neighbor, in the case of the former it is more than likely that on our return they are in a catatonic state. To avoid this, nothing better than stay in a hotel. A hotel for plants, well understood. A service is pioneer in Spain that has launched, until August 31, a popular shopping centre in Madrid. For next year it is likely that it is installed in other parts of the country. The project consists of accommodation free of charge to all legal indoor plants that have less than a metre and a half sized to give them all kinds of comforts: daylight, ser Vice for gardening, irrigation, fumigated and option of pruning.

As soon as they receive plants undergoes them a check-up to see his State of health. The idea was to make a hotel of plants, but has become a sanatorium, says, amid laughter, responsible, since there are people who have led them some very sick. Thanks to a few webcams, owners can keep track of your plants through They are something more than a decorative element, they explain. Tips for our plants and pets while these establishments become is more popular, what can we do with our companions of the plant world? If we leave them alone at home, we put them in a place almost in darkness, because thus the plant needs less water. The street Windows have to be closed.

And it should let buckets with water to create humidity. On the return trip, if they are badly deteriorated, before returning them to their conventional place, submerged in water for a couple of minutes and should make a pruning to trim the most damaged part. The toughest indoor plants are Brazil trunk, palms and the dracenas. Which is least enduring are all those that have flower. Dogs and cats do not have to be a nuisance during the holidays. If you want to avoid that they stress with much change, the residences are presented as an alternative. There are throughout the geography and include food and lodging. The price is around 15 euros per day with a minimum of 2 to 3 days of stay. See to find residence in all Spain. Transit International The Pet Inn Royal, at the airport in Narita, Tokyo, is a hotel that meets the needs of the animals with pampering (hair salon, gym, veterinarian) and is intended for people in air traffic since 2005. Chateau Poochie, Florida, has flat screens and kingsizeen beds rooms, in addition to spa, fitnesscenter, manicure, boutique in Spain there are very basic hotels (room only) and others, like, which include a bed for the animal, toys, daily walks source of the news: pets and plants: in summer not be they can stay alone

Chronic Hypertension

Chronic Hipertenso is the arterial pressure above of 140×90 mmHg before the twentieth week of gestation. The DHEG is characterized, beyond rise of the sanguineous pressricos levels, by the presence of proteinria and edema generalized, initiates after 20 week of gestation, and with these symptoms is classified as daily pay-eclmpsia (Valadares Grandson et al, 2000). When irritability of Sistema Nervoso Central occurs (SNC) has as consequncia the convulsions it eats and it, being then called eclmpsia (Arajo et al, 1998; Alencar Jr, 2000). Alencar Jnior (2000) divides the daily pay-eclmpsia in: Light Daily pay: characterized for bigger or equal arterial pressure 140×90 mmHg, or 30 increase of mmHg in the sistlica pressure, or still 15 increase of mmHg in the diastlica pressure; edema that it does not yield to the rest and proteinria. Serious Daily pay: 160×110 is characterized for bigger or equal arterial pressure mmHg, or with appearance of any another premunitrio signal of eclmpsia. Alencar Jnior (2000) points, still, the premunitrios signals of eclmpsia: Chronic headache, mental confusion, confusion of the vision, epigastralgia or pain in the right hipocndrio; Syndrome HELLP (anemia hemoltica? H? ; raised hepticas enzymes? el? ; trombocitopenia, or plaquetas below of 100.000/mm? ' ' lp); Proteinria (3g or more in 24h); Oligria (less than 450 ml/24h); Pulmonary Edema, cianose; Hemoconcentrao. The modified pressricos levels, when perceived for the health team, must be confirmed in, at least, two measures, with the gestante in rest (Schirmer et al, 2000). Orra, Silva and Muniz (1994) show that in atypical pictures they can be found hemlise, hepticas enzyme trombocitopenia and rise, characterizing Syndrome HELLP, above cited, that it means I aggravate for the deteriorizao of the organic functions maternas, demanding immediate resolution of the gestation. According to Cabral, Costa and Cabral Jr (2003), the childbirth Caesarean type passed to be used in order to diminish the indices of infantile morbimortalidade materna and in the case of the DHEG and other complications.