Monthly Archives: February 2012

Strike Causes Trauma

Perhaps your doctor has told you that your old football injury in later years will make itself felt, turning osteoarthritis. Specialists in arthritis unanimous that any damage to the joints in the past – whether it be consequence of car accidents, congestion or other professional reasons – may develop into osteoarthritis. Such injuries cause direct blow to the cartilage, the action of another kind of injuries is less clear. Take, for example, deep-sea diving for sponges. As a result of pressure reduction (decompression) while diving in the cartilage formed by the set of microscopic bubbles.

These bubbles can simply destroy the cartilage. Even in deep diving dinosaurs and diving turtles found joint damage because of these tiny air bubbles. Hidden signs of damage Imagine that you have never had a traumatic injury. And you're not a diver in depths of the sea. And yet you have been diagnosed "osteoarthritis". The search for reasons lead us to the notion of "repetitive motion" and "instantaneous (impulse) injury." Some types of motions, repeating over and over again impact on the joints and lead eventually to the destruction of cartilage.

Repetitive movements men have to make so many trades. Does this mean that your work – the cause of osteoarthritis? Although it is not give clear evidence of this, of course, there is a connection between repetitive movements while working and osteoarthritis. For example, heavy physical work, creating a constant load on the joints, leads to their deterioration and destruction. The peasants, miners, dockers and other workers of heavy occupations osteoarthritis occurs more frequently than the people involved sedentary work. People who have to lift weights – for example, bus drivers, foundry workers – osteoarthritis develops three times more likely than those who work behind a desk. Do you often have to work with your hands? If so, you risk of osteoarthritis in hands. It is known that the weavers of osteoarthritis in the right hand is much more frequently than the left – a direct result of the weaving process. It is interesting to note the following: research shows that osteoarthritis is more common in the wrist Working hand. So, if you own the right hand is better than the left, first develop osteoarthritis in the right hand. These findings support the view that the long-standing injuries and too frequent movements of joints contribute to the development osteoarthritis.